Guaranteed To Piss Off a SJW – IOTW Report

Guaranteed To Piss Off a SJW


ht/ Sadie

14 Comments on Guaranteed To Piss Off a SJW

  1. It’s only two days after Hillary’s pneumonia meltdown, and Trump is busting her chops big time about this disgraceful, ill-advised remark (which I, BTW, put in the same category as Cuomo’s infamous “If you don’t support abortion on demand and gun control, then you’re not welcome in New York State.”).

    Lovin’ it!

  2. ohh, those deplorable’s!

    just shut up and keep paying your taxes.
    your points of view are not welcome and will not be tolerated.
    besides it’s not your money, your didn’t earn that.

    all deplorable’s belong in a fema camp anyway.

  3. Bill – – Right on! Why is it that all us Bills are so perceptive and intelligent? For instance – – Bill Gates, Bill Maher, Bill Clinton, Bill Cosby, Bill Nye, Bill DeBlasio . . . Wait, nevermind.

  4. If DJT plays this right, the evil witch exploded the voter turnout numbers against her.

    Let’s Make America Great; it starts with obedient/load-bearing ‘deplorables’ getting angry enough to speak up, quit retreating, and take the country back, dammit.

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