Guess the Reader – IOTW Report

Guess the Reader

Our last reader was a CHEAT!!  Plain Jane stepped in at comment one and threw everyone off! Here is the imp falling into the Grand Canyon—>

Here is our next reader, and it’s an interesting submission. It’s a painted portrait>


47 Comments on Guess the Reader

  1. It’s FUR. Look at that Alien Brain. Notice they don’t show his super long fingers on his hands. With the suction cups on the tips of the fingers. That shit freaks me out. LOL

  2. we got people who could afford PAINTED PORTRAITS when they were KIDS?????

    sorry, i think i’m in the wrong shoe store….same feeling i got a couple weeks ago, when all the shoe prices had three digits before the dot……that was before i found my way to the clearance shoes, of course….got two pairs for fifty bux, so, yeah, okay!!! better quality, but walmart price…..this is what i LIVE for….lol…..

    strangely enough, it seems like i have bought more shoes in the last six months than i ever did in any ten years, pick and choose yer years, of my previous life…..channeling imelda???

    more likely, shoes don’t last anywhere near as long as they used to, which is why i have to replace them all suddenly…..

    some of my most recently “retired” shoes had been doing their job for more than four decades…..when they die, they can’t really be replaced……

    oh, i’m supposed to be guessing who that young man is??????

    gosh, i give up…..wait til i send in MY pic, lol…….

    that is obviously young peyton manning, but i don’t know what his iotw name is…….

  3. As for the declaration of CHEAT. I’m declaring what Plain Jane did as fair game. Final answer. Because. Y’all move along now before things get all Texan-y and you wake up someplace new next week and wonder what happened.

    They’re going to have to go through me to get to you, PJ. 😉

    As for this person – Talk about cheat! That kid has way too much class for this group. BFH threw a semi-ringer in there.

    Bing Crosby’s brother.

  4. Diogenes March 9, 2018 at 11:25 pm

    That’s Loco before he fell and hit his head.

    Before he fell and hit his head?

    That would make him about 3 seconds old then!

    Doc: Yeah, of course! All kids have flat parts on their skulls. It’s.. it’s.. it’s hospital policy to bounce them off the floor first. Clears the tequi I mean mucus out.

  5. My guess, PHenry.
    @Chuckie. My dad got into portrait painting. Although he had some expensive hobbies (1/2 owner of a Cessna, golf, photography), we certainly weren’t wealthy. He did everything he enjoyed by researching, budgeting & saving.
    We used to hate the portrait gig. We’d sit for hours under hot lights while he snapped away, anxiously awaiting the final results (as a kid, I used to wonder, “why doesn’t he just shoot color film like normal people”?)
    After one session, I told my younger sister he ran out of blue & had to color her eyes brown. She sobbed for hours. Back to my room. Again.

    Dad wasn’t demonstrably open with his feelings, and only years later could I appreciate the time and love he put into these portraits.

  6. Whilst I also have a notch cut out of the top of my left ear, alas it is not me. And I am pretty sure we could never afford such a blazer. My Moma (like most depression era women) learned to sew and made our blazers & vests and being an artist rarely manufactured any clothing that wasn’t striped, plaid, paisley… etc. As a matter of fact I took a severe ass-whoopin’ at skrewl once for being stupid enough to wear my Moma made Neru jacket…. but that is another story.
    I’ll go with PJ’s second guess though, Willysgoatgruff!

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  7. Painted portraits were big in the 1950’s – that’s all I know about them. And by that I mean painted over B&W photographs. Guy who rented next door used to do them.

    And no, it’s not me.

  8. Going with Uncle Al again. I just might be right!

    Plain Jane, I bet when all your friends got in trouble, there you were in the background acting all innocent when actually, you were the instigator! Right? (takes one to know one!)

  9. “And by that I mean painted over B&W photographs.” – VietVet

    We have a few family ones from that era. My favorite sibling portrait done like this was destroyed and it’s such a loss. My American Grandmother’s is kept safe by me. All my cousins were excited to see it again at a re-union we had in 2012 and thanks to digital cameras, scanners, and such, they all have a copy now.

    The paint was called Marshall Oils. A see-through paint. Ours aged well and still look good.

    Yeah, and Uncle Al is all I can come up with. Too classy for this joint.

  10. @ Claudia
    Yep! (said with a proud grin) I think we would have had a ball together. Hit and walk. turn around and watch the chaos.

    Our daughter could start near riots in the classroom and never get fingered as the perp. Did the same with her brothers.

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