Guess the Reader – IOTW Report

Guess the Reader

Our last reader was….. ETERNAL CRACKER ( who was a good sport about his own pic, and wanted to show everyone that in a few years he was well on his way to being a 6’2″ man that could crush you for making fun of his girly early picture.)

Our next reader is —-

38 Comments on Guess the Reader

  1. Very hard to tell, but I’m going with Bad_Brad on this one just because if anyone was going to pick a picture of themselves all muscle-y, he would have the right to. 🙂

    Incredible Hulk. ARRRRRRHHHH!

    (Couldn’t stand to watch the show because it just didn’t seem possible that Bill Bixby’s character could afford to replace his wardrobe all the time. And what happened to his glasses? Was he always replacing them, too?)

  2. Eternal Cracker. We all know that as wee little ones we have no control over how we dress or how we wear our hair — even if our haircut makes us look like Prince Valiant. So don’t worry about being a cute little curly-headed thing. Clearly when you began dressing yourself, you grew out of it.

    As for the Hulk, I’m going to say Irony Curtain.

  3. Thanks for the confusion thinking I was a girl, lol.. my parents didn’t want me as a second boy initially. Plenty of stories haunt my childhood about how parents got all kinds of compliments on what a lovely girl I was, *ugh*. Bonus, you get to see my dog pic (avatar). Maybe BFH will post his painting if he hasn’t already. Oh.. and I’m not Irish, not a lick of it.

    Hulk is a Bob…

  4. The Incredible Hulk TV series ran from 1978-1982. That timeframe lines up with the brown appliances in the background. I estimate this guy is about 12 years old when that photo was taken, so he was born around 1968.
    That is too young for Brad.
    I think it is Dadof4.

  5. @ Jethro

    I was born Father’s Day 1957. Thank you for thinking younger.

    This guy’s either B_B or MJonga

    There has been one picture already posted that does look a lot like me before my teens. Maybe I’ll ask Fur to post them together afterwards for comparison. Guess that would settle if I pick that pic. lol

  6. dunno … but I think somebody’s royally pissed that mom went w/ the Swiss Chocolate instead of the Harvest Gold kitchen

    … don’cha just cringe at ’70’s styles?

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