Guess the Reader – IOTW Report

Guess the Reader

Our last reader was — MJA!

And we missed wishing her a happy birthday yesterday.

Our next reader is—>

36 Comments on Guess the Reader

  1. Nice photo, MJA!

    I haven’t a clue (why don’t we have a clue, Fur?) who this is. And I’ve run out of names to guess because I can’t remember all the names of commenters who aren’t here frequently.

    So I’m gonna say this is Dr. Tar.

  2. Ok, ladies! We all agree that’s one dreamy dude! Sigh

    I almost don’t want to guess. But I’m going to, anyway. TSUNAMI, is that you?

    Happy belated BD, MJA! You’re a cutie!

  3. MJA!!! Happy birthday!!! Isn’t it funny, yesterday may or may not have been my birthday too!

    This new reader, that pose was years before the homo epidemic, back when it was still listed as a mental illness, and nobody had even heard of trans crazy.

    This is a picture taken for his mother.

    I got nuthin’, it’s prolly me.

  4. I have no good excuse for missing MJA’s birthday at least 4 times yesterday…I’ve been distracted.

    And as far as this next contestant, I know it’s not ME or even Tom! I don’t think anyone would associate the word SWOON with us! Happy belated (I think) MJA!

  5. Looks like a Divine Mercy prayer card. So, I’m guessing: Jesus?
    Surely He reads IOTW.
    (I tried to post this earlier but seems to have been deleted… Was it the new server or divine intervention? Or just me being as fallible as some popes?)


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