Guess the Reader – IOTW Report

Guess the Reader

Our last reader was… Meir Leff, our correspondent in Israel.

Our next reader is…

42 Comments on Guess the Reader

  1. Just got to get this out of the way – Meir Leff, you are a hunk!


    Are those curlers on his head, half a beard and a hairy chest? Or is that one of the wigs the British Parliament wear that went through the washer/dryer?

    “HINT”? Is Mya Guess a guy? I assumed the name was a lady, but then, I dunno.

  2. The “hint” hasn’t given me a clue, suggestion, suspicion, taste, tinge, touch, trace, whiff, whisper, implication, inkling, suspicion, undercurrent, undertone, mention, suggestion, indication, reminder, tip-off, pointer, allusion, innuendo, inkling, intimation, insinuation or even a word to the wise.

    I maintain my .000 average.

  3. Meir Leff, I love Israel although I shall never be able to travel to your beautiful country. My granddaughter is doing a project for her 2nd grade class on Israel.

    אנחנו מתפללים לישראל כל לילה.

  4. “What’s on his face are balloons.”

    The most that helped me is you used “his”. Could have been a woman up until then.

    HINT in all caps. Hmm Willy is done already.

    This guy looks exactly like I picture Boobie the Red Rocket Dog looks, balloons and all, but the word HINT just doesn’t work.

    Dang it. Going to have to chew on this more.


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