Guess the Reader – IOTW Report

Guess the Reader

Our last reader was … illustr8r!

The next reader is our next to last reader in this series. It’s ….

40 Comments on Guess the Reader

  1. I missed Illust8r, too!

    Has Plain Jane been guessed already? I’m embarrassed to say I can’t remember who all has been guessed. If she hasn’t, then I’m going with PJ. Very cute girl!

    (My sister had glasses nearly like these.)

  2. Aw, what a pretty girl. I’m not sure, but I think my mother cut her bangs. 😉

    Love the little dinosaurs on her shirt! I’m going with Abigail Adams also.

  3. I think we don’t like links to Daily Mail too much anymore but they have a photo spread story about Johnny Cash’s childhood home being added to the National Historical Register that might be of interest.

  4. Nah, she cut her own bangs sans glasses… I have no clue, but another pretty iotwrer.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. Abigail Adams. This bright eyed cutie has that self assured look that I imagine AA has. By commenting here, AA has also pulled a Plain Jane by making a non-committal comment on her own pic. You as sneaky as PJ. 🙂
    Illustr8r, so sorry, I also missed your adorable pic.
    AA, I was the one who was buried in the sand at the Dunes of Lake Michigan.

    BFH had his choice of that and several other pics. So guys, you missed the bathing suit pic of me.

  6. Thanks for the comments, but ’tis not I. So keep guessing!

    There are so many commenters here whose screen names I can’t remember (I remember their comments, though). If Claudia hasn’t been guessed, then I’m going with her, too.

  7. There’s probably no reason to guess me as I’m basically a lurker, but I really appreciate BFH’s website which I read for its NEWS–and I have read your comments and you all have endeared yourselves to me, somehow. I sent some animal photos to Claudia and am currently owned by an orange indoor/outdoor cat–also married to a man I met in HS many moons ago. My mom cut my bangs. “Dee”

  8. I laughed when someone said I liked to walk a lot. I always wrecked my shoes-always scuffed-much to my Mom’s dismay!

    I love seeing everyone’s photos even though I didn’t guess every time.

    (Dianny? That’s my guess)


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