Guess the Reader – IOTW Report

Guess the Reader

Our last reader was…



Our next reader is… pretty interesting because I DON’T KNOW WHO IT IS!!!

I misplaced the note I left for myself. So we need the person to step up and identify themselves or else we’ll never know who it is.


34 Comments on Guess the Reader

  1. I think it’s Claudia, dressed as “Claude” before her parents realized it was silly to regret not having a baby boy because having a baby girl is at least as good, developing her life-long appreciation of cute animals.

  2. Let’s see….. He’s in a South East Asian jail, eating a raw, freshly caught rabbit….. Yup, BB….

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. @mja ~ lol, could be my brudda from a different mudda … or fadda

    … but … ‘it ain’t me babe … it ain’t me you’re looking for babe’ 😉

  4. It ain’t me, honest. Would I lie to ya?

    RickeyG before he developed toxic masculinity, though if you look at those cute little tiny baby feet he’s already manspreading.

  5. Rickey!!!

    Geeeeeeez. Sorry about losing the notes.
    My process is to take the photo and immediately name it the person it is. This pic was in the folder with no name change.
    Well, at least I got to play this time.


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