Guess the Reader – IOTW Report

Guess the Reader

The previous reader was Cato, who sent in some other great pictures. The man is a true patriot.

Our next reader is this lovely lady-

50 Comments on Guess the Reader

  1. I ask my girlfriend ( now wife of over 26 years ) quote “ you don’t want to go to prom do you? “ She said, no. That’s when I knew she was the one for me. Also, I have no clue who the lovely young woman in the picture is.

  2. That was Cato, huh. Hmmm. Very nice looking young man. We sure have a nice looking group of people here at IOTWReport. I need a whole list of readers so I can expand my guessing! It’s not that I don’t remember all the names, its’ just that I don’t remember all the comments from years/months past that would give me clues.

    Goldenfoxx — That picture really describes her.

  3. Freaken Fraken Gol darn Molin Lube think I look like a damn, Oh High.
    I suck at this. The eyes are a strong self confident conservative woman. Could be AA. Below the cheek bones I don’t think so. No matter what, one of ours.

  4. @Geoff you can take a digital picture of an old photo. Just leave the flash off. May have to try a couple of times. The photo I sent to BFH was from 1977 soI just held it up and snapped away with the digi cam.

  5. When I was about three, my mother dragged me and my sibs over to my babysitter’s house to take pictures of our babysitter with her prom date. I did not understand “prom” or “date,” but I understood “babysitter” (basically I had the vocabulary of our family dog) so I went willingly. I remember our baby sitter had hair just like that. Somewhere, I still have a photo of me in a sailor dress and cowboy boots (never said I was a fashion plate) standing next to my babysitter, dressed to kill.

  6. @Eugenia (at 12:51 am): Dammit! I told you not to blow my cover like that!
    Now I have a good mind to tell everyone your true gender identity.

    You listening to me, Eugene…?


  7. Looks like the photo was used on the Mad Men series I’ve seen many girls that
    look like this. Back in the day. As a boy I always wondered why the extra long gloves.
    My oldest sister told me it’s the only way she would touch a boy.
    Sounded correct to me.
    No idea who she is but just gorgeous

  8. Conservative Cowgirl or GoldenFoxx. Just going on the blonde bombshell theme alone.

    Yeah, gonna need a list to pick from soon. I’m thinking there’s easily over 200 individuals here that post each month. Not counting the puppet shows, of course.

    Any built up image I have of anyone here is probably wrong. For years I thought Claudia was a redhead (you know – like a fox!), but she corrected me. At least I know not to guess Claudia with any red headed kids. lol

  9. “I was told this is Junior Prom. She’s 16 guys, back off.”

    The top reason I was OK with being 16.

    All the girls my age and older were fair game.

    Yeah, I’ve always needed a lot of forgiving. Thank you, Lord. I don’t deserve it.

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