Guess Who Connor Is? – IOTW Report

Guess Who Connor Is?

Remember the little kid who lit the fire in the street outside the Deploraball and said “screw our president?

Turns out it was, oddly, Drew Carey’s son.

Apparently Carey is not doing such a good job of raising his kid. He’s out on a Manhattan street lighting fires and cursing the president?

Drew Carey is a self-described libertarian.

24 Comments on Guess Who Connor Is?

  1. He’s a nine year old kid looking for attention and likely egged on by the mob. After he had a “talk” with his parents he came out and apologized for his actions. Big city, bunch of people, parents not around but cameras are. Not a big surprise about what happened and I suspect it will be awhile before he’s sitting comfortably.

  2. One more piece of evidence to support my longtime belief that 99% of libertarians are really just leftist mobies, or at best social leftists who just want to keep more of their own money. Either way…not to be trusted.

  3. Although Carey refers to Connor as is “son”, the boy is Carey’s ex-fiancee’s son from a previous relationship. Kid is still a little turd. And Carey is a Buddhist. Whatever.

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