Guess Who Just Made the Final 20 in the Miss Universe Pageant? – IOTW Report

Guess Who Just Made the Final 20 in the Miss Universe Pageant?

GP: This year the pageant will include ‘women’ from 85 countries including two trans competitors from Portugal and The Netherlands.

Miss Nepal Jane Diika Garrett is also competing tonight. Jane is the first plus-size model in the Miss Universe pageant.

Moments ago the final 20 contestants were picked by the judges.

And guess who made the cut? Miss Nepal, the heavy woman, and Miss Portugal Marina Machete , the trans. more here

16 Comments on Guess Who Just Made the Final 20 in the Miss Universe Pageant?

  1. I can’t quite articulate with words, nor do I want to waste my time trying to, but this whole get up FEELS like a single common goal, the normalization of pedophillia. Why else would they insist you ignore common sense and dismiss your own eyes in support of normalizing these disgusting trans and ugly women as some sort of beautiful, accomplished, proud, sexual trophy?

  2. Like the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the Nobel Peace Prize and countless others, these folks make themselves irrelevant by being absurd and completely COUNTER to their name or their original intent. And maybe that’s a good thing.

  3. Well Nepal should have a mountain represent them. ecp is 100% correct.

    The Overton window that found gays acceptable now find Trannies acceptable. The next shift will be legalized child sex.

    It will happen within a decade when the Demonrats cheat out a win with both a mountain and a tranny known as Manchelle.

  4. If you think Miss Garrett is plus size, you don’t know any real women. Today’s “beauty” is a string bean stuffed with silicone because she hasn’t got any endowments of her own.

    This is what happens when you let Fake News and Hollyweird dictate to you what beauty and femininity are.

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