Guess Who’s Going to Be at the WH to Greet the Pope? – IOTW Report

Guess Who’s Going to Be at the WH to Greet the Pope?

A list of radicals, activist and agitators who counter Catholic teachings have been invited to the White House to greet Pope Francis when he visits next week.


There’s the retired gay Episcopal bishop, the transsexual activist who is bringing five other LBGT advocates and finally the pro-abortion nun.


This should prove to be a rainbow colored banner day for those who hate the Church.

13 Comments on Guess Who’s Going to Be at the WH to Greet the Pope?

  1. The pope won’t be surprised by this. He has the same mind-set as a Marxist and will use this as a type of teaching moment that Christ would be among these people.
    He’s right but the difference is Christ wouldl tell them to turn away from their sin. This pope will omit that part, which so many of modernist “christians” do.

  2. No one. The Papacy is vacant.

    As far as who going to be at the White House to great the anti-Pope. Who cares who is there to greet the jackass?

    When a “pope” will officially teach explicit and clear heresy flatly contradicting the infallibly defined dogma of the Catholic faith, then you will know that he is the false pope prophecied in many Church approved prophecies and Marian apparitions.

    St. Robert Bellarmine, St. Alohonsus Liguori, St. Antoninus and Pope Innocent III all teach that when the pope demonstrates himself to be a manifest heretic, i.e. a plainly manifested public heretic, he ceases to be pope (or, if already was a public heretic he was invalidly elected) because he is not a Catholic — not a member of the Catholic Church.

    Bellarmine explains that the Roman Pontiff is the visible head of the Church, and the head is a member. One who is not a member cannot be the head, and therefore the election to the supreme pontificate of a public heretic is canonically null & void.

    The heresy of Bergoglio is such a clear cut case of manifest, public heresy, expressed in stark, unequivocal terms, that it can be said without doubt that if this idiot’s ramblings are not manifestly heretical, then nothing else can be said to be so.

    It is morally impossible that one who manifestly displays such clearly expressed contempt for a defined dogma of faith by plainly denying it, can be believed to validly hold the office of Roman Pontiff.

    St. Francis of Assisi foretold of the uncanonically elected pope who would not be “a true pastor but a destroyer”. Bergoglio plainly fits the description.

  3. What kind of effen moron is the Kenyan Commie? If I was the Popester, that clueless moron would get a few choice words from me. A gay Episcopal Bishop? A transgender who cannot decide which side of the road it really wants to drive on afterall? This would be a perfect time to tell that nun she’s fired.

  4. At lease Pope Marx is getting the F*CK YOU he so richly deserves.

    And all while he probably thinks to himself,“but I’m doing everything I can to mesh our goals with Barry’s! What gives?!?”

    May God bring his soul *Home* ASAP.

  5. I’m not catholic so maybe it doesn’t matter that I don’t like the new pope. But he should still be received at the WH with proper respect and protocol .

    I’m still undecided about why the world has to suffer with men like Pope Francis and President Obama. Is it Devine plan or has the whole western world gone mad and we are reaping what we’ve sown?

    Obama continues to turn the presidency and the White House into a freak show. It’s quite disgusting and embarrassing for America. Does Obama do this to weaken America in the eyes of the world? Or simply because he has no class?

    Maybe Obama likes to pretend he is in a contest with the runt despot in N Korea to prove to the world leaders he is the most juvenile national executive in the world. A race to the bottom of the barrel.

  6. Is this the same group of Homopedophiles, Transdems and abortion dykes that met the Moslime Emoms at the White House Moslime Breakfast ?? You know, the ones that were dropped from a helicopter while engulfed in flames from 5,000 feet in the air…

    A great poster slogan for the Popes visit would say “we want the Moslim treatment for homos… not the Catholic”.

  7. OMG, it’s Brother barry’s traveling freak show. If the Pope had a brain he’d tell barry to shove it. Pope John Paul the second is rolling over in his grave and wondering what happened to the Catholic church since his death. And Pope Benedict is just glad he’s not the Pope any longer. barry and this worthless Pope Francis the deluded and the useless and SJW deserve one another. They’re both cut from the same cloth, they’re a couple of friggin socialists to the core. I’m not a catholic but this Pope is as worthless as a bucket of piss and barry’s no Christian either.

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