Guess who’s speaking out against caravan border-jumpers – IOTW Report

Guess who’s speaking out against caravan border-jumpers

AT: Latinos and Hispanics legally here in the U.S. are speaking out against the caravan heading north from Honduras to the U.S.

That was the report from Univision, which is hardly a conservative news site.

According to the Daily Caller, they’re saying things like this:

“How is it possible that a caravan from Central America is on it’s [sic] way to the U.S. and the people are speaking the way they’re speaking, demanding to get in[?]  No sir, this isn’t their country and they need to respect it,” one man said.

Another woman told Megid, “[L]ike the president says, they can come here, but they need to come here legally like the rest of us.”

Megid also spoke with a Honduran woman who says she came to the U.S. in the last caravan from Central America.  “It’s not right that so many people are heading to the U.S. in this Honduran caravan,” she said.

It squares with what a lot of Latinos and Hispanics are thinking, at least the ones I know.

Unlike the black community, they aren’t a near-monolith on the political front.  Trump got a healthy 29% of their vote, in what USA Today called “another election surprise,” which suggests unfamiliarity with Latinos, who, by the way, hate being called that.  (Like Italian-Americans and Irish-Americans, they’re happy to just be called by their country of origin as a shorthand even though they are Americans – e.g., Venezuelans, Cubans, Mexicans.)

There are plenty of conservative and libertarian Latinos, too.  Off the top of my head, one of the most interesting, Lydia Ortega, runs the San Jose State University economics department and ran for California’s lieutenant governor’s slot.  I voted for her.  MORE

12 Comments on Guess who’s speaking out against caravan border-jumpers

  1. “…Latinos, who, by the way, hate being called that…”

    Cinco de Quatro Barky used to love to say “Lah-teenoss” almost as much as saying “Pocky-stahn”

    Remember when he had the Secret Service take away their forks before he made a speech? Good times, good times…

  2. I only know Mesikins. They’re all citizens of the small business owning hard working variety.

    Contempt is the best word to describe what they think of this situation. Also, lots of head shaking.

  3. @aaron burr. Were you formerly known as listingstarboard?
    he was from havascrew.

    and you’re a streetrodder? Yes? My bro in law in havasu drives a powder blue elcamino… with scallop striping. Know him?

  4. I wintered in AZ for the first time since i left in 1990. I was concerned about wether i’d be pilloried for being conservative, if i’d be uncomfortable or harassed.

    pffft. Not at all. Even my best friend (hispanic) admitted he voted for Trump. Teenagers of all races held the door open for me. I felt guilty for even thinking those things. I dont have my head in the sand (ha). I know there are libs there but not in the numbers i was expecting.

  5. Dear Charlie,

    thank you for your interest. Unfortunately,I am indeed, Aaron Burr. I’ve never used another name, and this is only my second avatar after 10 years.

    I live in the mountains, far, far from Havasu. However, I’m currently driving a 66 Ford pickup. Before that I had a 62 Chevy and before that a 54 Chevy.

    Mainly I work on motorpickles. Triumphs and Shovelheads.

    Please consult with Uncle Al regarding my credentials. He can vouch for me.
    Unless, of course….. he’s not really Uncle Al. The Al I knew wore a hearing aide and had a scar across his face. He lived in the California coastal mountains and chain smoked unfiltered cigarettes. Not sure who this character in Florida is….

    Anyway, yeah. I loves me old vehicles and ungodly amounts of horsepower.

    Hope this helps,

    Aaron Burr

  6. this is only “news” to those not “taking out their wallets and paying attention!”. In ’78 Cal had a prop that forbid criminal aliens from among other things: going to public schools, getting MidiCal…’ the law passed almost 3:2. Legal “latinos” voted for it 3:2. We had a “Bush” AG* who “took a dive” in a the legal battle and the law was thrown out! Re read the last 2 sentences! American citizens with “hispanic” names have OVERWHELMINGLY been against criminal aliens for over 60 years!

    – I forget the Bush “Open borders” “ROP” liberal AG’s name but I know he was from SoCal.

  7. No one is bringing up the diseases these people may be carrying. Trump needs to sign an executive order that prevents anyone from entering our country that doesn’t have proof of inoculation and a clean bill of health. That will not be pointed to one exclusive group and is needed with all these unknown diseases we are encountering. Anyone that can provide this info and comes from the southern border should be moved to Ohio…..


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