Guest Post- Uncle Al: “Coulter’s Worth” – IOTW Report

Guest Post- Uncle Al: “Coulter’s Worth”

Disliking Ann Coulter for good reason fortunately doesn’t prevent me from acknowledging her abilities and appreciating those pieces of hers where her writing and analysis skills overcome her character flaws. 

I just read a column of hers published a few days ago at Taki’s Magazine about the sad and infuriating story of Omaha bar owner Jake Gardner, an Iraq War veteran and Trump supporter.  He’s the man who was attacked by BLM thugs, and while in a choke hold fired his pistol over his back and killed his assailant.  Omaha’s elected DA, the DA’s assistant, and of the police homicide detectives studied the many video recordings of the event and unanimously concluded that the shooting was legitimate self defense.

Of course, that couldn’t stand.  A “special prosecutor” was brought in, murder and “terroristic threat” charges filed, and Gardner was arrested.  Gardner’s landlord (Jake owned two bars) evicted him.  Coulter says of Gardner’s friends’ attempt to set up a GoFundMe page to help pay for competent legal representation,

“GoFundMe’s response? They immediately and repeatedly took down the page, based on their clearly stated policy: We don’t like you.  Here’s a thought, GoFundMe: Guaranteeing a fair trial for an individual accused of a crime isn’t the same as defending the thing he’s accused of. That’s the whole point: Gardner wanted to prove that he was innocent. Nope! No fair trial, no fair press, no livelihood, no GoFundMe. No chance.”

As we now know, the innocent and overwhelmed Jake Gardner then killed himself.

Coulter makes some stark observations at the end of this piece.  It is worth reading. -Uncle Al

29 Comments on Guest Post- Uncle Al: “Coulter’s Worth”

  1. This has been a DISTURBING story from the onset, from a place that we generally DO NOT hear from, Omaha, NEBRASKA??

    Yeah, it’s a capital city so therefore there IS a trash factor there BUT STILL. THIS WAS OVER THE TOP, with the prosecution and all, the threats, the Gofundme bullshit.

    I know Jake was NOT in a position to keep the powder dry, but if you are DO SO, at least until after the election we are being BAITED from ALL sides right now.

    As a matter of fact we were baited made fun of and harrassed for EIGHT STRAIGHT years, we took it, we let THEM govern as much as it DISGUSTED us.

    Come November it will be OUR turn once again and the LEFT and DEM’s, one in the same, know it.

    This was a wake the fuck up call my fellow IOTWr’s. That said, we are not ones, or the types, to ‘bring the fight’ to start a fight, and more are inclined to defend ourselves if needed, in ANY situation for that matter. Do that until it becomes necessary to seek out and engage ANY enemies right now.

    Thanks @Uncle Al, WE MUST keep this story going and his memory ALIVE in us.

  2. @willsgoatgruff – can’t tell ya how EMBARRASSING that one is…I’ve only been there and photographed it…the capital building that is, done in the Art Deco style…

    I stand corrected! Thanks, facts are facts…

  3. Coulter’s bitchiness regarding Trump is based in good intentions IMO. Why the fuck do things like this continue to happen and all Trump does is talk. Fucking do motherfucking something already goddamn motherfucking damn it! JFC!… Never was a fucking problem for Obama to get the FBI and DoJ to fuck a right winger in the ass now was it?!!!

  4. Uncle Al, I thank you for posting this. It is a poignant and important piece and I applaud Coulter for speaking up for Gardner when few others have. In fact the only other place I saw where Gardner’s situation was publicized was Revolver News.

    Coulter may be abrasive and a publicity hound, but she hit the nail on the head here. To my knowledge, she and Mike Cernovich (who has his own issues) have been the only prominent voices willing to call out Trump for his silence when his supporters are harmed (they have also been willing to call him out for other things as well).

    I am sometimes appalled at how easily some Trump supporters are willing to let Trump’s deafening silence on certain issues slide. Disgusted, actually. This is one of those issues. I thank you for putting this out there and not shooting the messenger.

  5. @TheMule, great comments and I couldn’t agree more.

    Today I read a comment at another site where the commenter said he’d voted for Trump the first time, but his support had morphed into a visceral hatred that he’d never felt toward any other president, because of this and other issues.

  6. I’ve been reading Ann Coulter’s columns for the last 10 years or so. Every column (maybe a couple of exceptions) have been outstanding. She combines great insight with excellent writing skills and a rapier wit. Her columns appear every Wednesday on her web site, including the one last week about the Omaha man. If she’s a publicity hound, and I don’t think she is, she is doing it for a good cause.

    For her sense of humor, read her 2 columns on soccer, the so-called “Beautiful Sport”. She ripped liberals for trying to make that boring sport a major American pastime. It was hilarious.

    Not every conservative is a perfect conservative. But I think she is right 95% of the time.

  7. Ann’s got a long way to go before getting me back on her team. I’m old. In all my years I’ve never seen a woman going thru menopause who went crazier or stayed that way longer than Ann Coulter. Good gawd, she made Hillary look normal.

  8. A note to those who are disappointed by President Trump’s silence or inaction on some issues:

    President Donald J. Trump has been besieged on all sides since before he was the nominee in 2016. He has withstood the kinds of attacks we’ve never seen made on a candidate or sitting president. He has been faced with a dire shortage of capable people to work with him, yet he as accomplished an utterly astonishing amount in circumstances that would have destroyed a lesser man.

    Now is the time to find ways to support him in his run for a second term. Now is NOT the time to run away. Who else is there on the presidential horizon who would continue working to get so much done and make the necessary changes to rein in the deep state, re-invigorate American business and manufacturing, establish new and better relationships with countries with whom the U.S. has been in conflict and to isolate those who are incorrigible, inject much needed constitutional discipline in the federal judiciary…need I go on?

    President Trump has been amazingly successful, and that’s without even considering the adamant resistance he gets from all sides.

  9. “President Trump has been amazingly successful, and that’s without even considering the adamant resistance he gets from all sides.” – UA

    @Uncle Al – we were JUST talking about this as a family unit driving down the Taconic Parkway today.

    Albeit foreign success or domestic economic rebound prior to whuflu. It IS tough to having to watch the useless mayors and governors, but the Constitution demands this and POTUS understands.

    BTW, tree colors are startin’ to turn in the Hudson Valley. :>)

  10. Needless to say, this is a horrible and sad story. How does something like this happen. This is the USA! I’m not a huge Ann fan but she is on the Marc Simone radio show a lot during the week and I get it. She can be real hard on the POTUS. But we all know without his fight for the American people, we will all be facing a socialist/communist govt in the years ahead. What Jake Gardner and his family suffered will be a regularly thing, if Trump doesn’t win in our future.

    @Uncle AL, thanks for your post and note on Trump. He is trying so hard and I sincerely believe he knew it would be an uphill battle but who knew the devil was everywhere with more evil to spread.

    Say prayers everyday!!!!

    God Bless us all!!

  11. @Bill – well, what I understand he left Omaha and went to stay with either a friend or family in Oregon, then went to some type of place ALONE, not sure where exactly, but was ‘found’ outside of that very same facility dead.

    Watching the vid of Jake at the Inauguration is something else:

    Please if you have something post it PLEASE DO! OR are you just simply questioning it?? Which is OKAY too!

    Why would this man HAVE not been stalked backed to Oregon by the ENEMY is YOUR question? IF that is the case we are in to a whole new ball game…very VERY hard ball game moving forward.

  12. I’m mixed on this.

    Uncle Al, I would echo your last comments about Trump back to Coulter. She’s the one who identified Trump as the enemy to THE WALL, when in fact it was the opposing forces and cowards who would not line up behind him and push.

    The man has done so much with so little support.

    Friend or foe, I don’t know about Coulter, but I sure agree with you on this column and tragic issue.

  13. Uncle Al: I am not a big fan of Coulter, either. I have read too many of her columns where she didn’t really have any point but to make some pithy insult and nothing else. We hear pithy insults of Trump every day. Either make a comment based on an rational analysis or keep quiet — and that goes for both sides.

    Hear hear on your comments on the President. He has not been able to do anything without facing serious opposition for no other reason than people want to oppose him. The people who call Trump a dictator for sending federal officers to Portland to protect federal property also say he is responsible for the riots because He is doing nothing to stop them. They expect him to wave his magic wand and then call him a tyrant for waving it.

  14. @Ghost, Can’t find many details on Jakes death, I believe that I read he was in Portland,Oregon, seems a strange place for a Trump supporter to go. A lot of people benefit from Jake being dead. The riots in Omaha stopped after the shooting (a good thing) but had Jake been aquitted as he should have been the riots would have started again. I’m alarmed at how many businesses here support blm and how many biden and kara eastman signs there are. I’m in enemy territory and that might shade my judgement, so I’m just questioning. This just has the Jeffery Epstein feel to it.

  15. @Bill – an autopsy report may show EXACT cause of death??

    IOW HOW was this self inflicted?? Would this not be part of public knowledge and a police report??????????

    What say YOUS??? Any 4chan or other types to research this??

    I DO fully understand the part of Jake wanting to ‘getting away’ from that mess. But why leave his father in Omaha? The one that got assaulted to begin with and started the fight? That part does not make sense but whatever about that.

    Jake was standing out in front of his place with a friend and his DAD was assaulted and his friend said ‘look what just happened’ and Jake went to defend his FATHER.

    Can you imagine the state of mind his Dad is in?

  16. @ ghost, I think the problem might be that at this stage I wouldn’t trust an autopsy report unless I watched them do it, and a police report is no better. I’m not that far out there though, the wife thinks he’s still alive. I could believe the dad might off himself, but just can’t see Jake doing that.

  17. RIP Jake Gardner.
    RIP Equal Justice in Nebraska.

    The landlord’s actions are proof of the kind of gutlessness and cowardice that beset those who would attempt to maintain civilization – an astounding number of lickspittles and surrender-monkeys who would sell their mothers’ asses to the mobs to protect themselves.

    The entire affair is disgusting – and absolute proof that these maggots must be destroyed – there is NO treating with them. When the law is so perverted by partisan politics that self-defense is a crime – then the law must be replaced – and those who pervert the law must be eradicated.

    izlamo delenda est …


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