Guilty as Sin Kennedy Cousin Walks Free – IOTW Report

Guilty as Sin Kennedy Cousin Walks Free

Michael Skakel, convicted of using a golf club to bludgeon teenager Martha Moxley on Halloween night, 1975, in Greenwich, Connecticut is free.

The Supreme Court of Connecticut overturned their own decision from 2 years ago which denied the reversal of the original conviction.


How do I know this ahole is guilty? Because when Skakel was told that DNA was recovered from Moxley’s body (which was a lie floated into the ether just to see what creepy Skakel would do), the fat bastard concocted a story where he said he climbed a tree to see if he could peep on Martha and rub one out. She wasn’t home but he decided to anyway, not knowing she was dead beneath the tree. “So if you found my semen on her, that’s how it happened!!!”

It’s lie only a Kennedy or a Clinton would concoct with a straight face. THE GUY DID IT!!!!!


ht/ marezilla.

11 Comments on Guilty as Sin Kennedy Cousin Walks Free

  1. Sorry folks, this is why the Commonwealth of Massachusetts can run rings around you. We always take our time and wait for the right moment to strike and hurt you. That’s how it played out in Chappaquiddick.

  2. I have nothing but contempt for any of the Kennedy’s and all of their ilk. I never have have liked any of them and their absolute contempt for the rule of law, always managing to skate because of their protected social status. The same thing goes for obummer, the Clintons, John effin Kerry etc, etc. No one is above the law, I don’t care who you are, we are all equal in God’s eyes but certainly not man’s eyes.

  3. Teddy is a murderer that drowned a girl. Teddy is a rapist. Skellkill is a murderer and a rapist. Bobby Jr turned his wife into a junkie and drove her to hang herself.

    JFK had his head blown off. Bobby had his head blown off. JFK JR crashed his plane and drowned. The old bastard father lobitimized his own daughter.

    I wouldn’t want to be one of the living Kennedy filth right now because it seems karma is due again and the bullets should be flying again soon.

    I like the score card.


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