Guinea suspends agricultural exports to preserve stocks – IOTW Report

Guinea suspends agricultural exports to preserve stocks

Africa News: Guinea’s ruling junta has suspended the export of several agricultural products, including rice, potatoes, and palm oil, for six months to preserve its “food sovereignty” and “social peace”.

This decision is linked to the concern to preserve stocks before the next harvests, and “not at all” to the expiry on Monday of the agreement between Moscow and Kiev, which allowed Ukraine to export cereals, notably to Africa, despite the war, the Guinean Ministry of Trade said.

“We are entering a (lean) period. We need to replenish our reserves to ensure food sovereignty and social peace”, a trade ministry official told AFP on Tuesday.

The suspension of exports concerns around fifteen staple foods (rice, onions, potatoes, dried chilli peppers, fresh chilli peppers, aubergines, okra, fresh tomatoes, taro, cassava, maize, cassava, and maize flours, yams, sweet potatoes, and palm oil), the ministry said in a statement dated Monday and sent to AFP on Tuesday.

Exports of these products are “prohibited for a period of six months”, on pain of fines or even criminal prosecution, it warned. more

7 Comments on Guinea suspends agricultural exports to preserve stocks

  1. This decision is linked to the concern to preserve stocks before the next harvests, and “not at all” to the expiry on Monday of the agreement between Moscow and Kiev…

    No, no, nothing of the kind. No connection. Not at all! Only a little bit…

  2. You must be self-sufficient in foodstuffs. However, this is probably also going to seriously impact whatever income they derived from agricultural exports, which they’ll need to deal with somehow.

  3. It’s going to be every man for himself, and a hungry person will kill to eat. Read where India isn’t exporting rice – they have billions to feed. They were hoping covid would take care of 2 billion people, but no, they keep right on screwing and producing more mouths to feed. This IMHO is a man made famine that’s coming. City folks will be the first to go, then it will spread out to the rural areas. That’s where the gangs get picked off.

  4. Heatsync
    Better to have food in times of no money, then money in times of no food.


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