Gulf Leaders Agree To Trump’s Request To Set Up ‘Safe Zones’ – IOTW Report

Gulf Leaders Agree To Trump’s Request To Set Up ‘Safe Zones’


The King of Saudi Arabia and the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi agreed with President Donald Trump’s request to support safe zones for refugees in the Middle East, the White House announced Sunday.

A White House readout of the call between President Trump and Saudi Arabian King Salman bin Abd Al-Aziz Al Saud said that the King agreed to “support safe zones in Syria and Yemen, as well as supporting other ideas to help the many refugees who are displaced by the ongoing conflicts.”


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11 Comments on Gulf Leaders Agree To Trump’s Request To Set Up ‘Safe Zones’

  1. WUT!!!!???? Another promise made on the campaign trail comes to fruition? and don’t think this wasn’t discussed and agreed to with El Sisi/Egypt and his convo w/Putin Sat.
    Putin has to give his blessing for Syrian zone. I don’t know if these leaders agree w/P45 on this issues, or they just hate BHO so much it’s pay back time. Anyone notice teh One remained silent over the weekend?

  2. Safe zone for muslims?
    The more muslims you put in safe zones the greater the likelihood there will be no safe zones, just easy targets.
    But like Czar says, at least they won’t be in the US killing indiscriminately.

  3. No wonder the libs are so rabid to stop President Trump. Every single day, President Trump shows the world just what a lazy, POS Obama was for 8 years!!! How DARE President Trump stomp all over the faux legacy of the faux president Obama.

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