Gun Control David Hogg’s Mommy – “My husband carries a gun at all times.” – IOTW Report

Gun Control David Hogg’s Mommy – “My husband carries a gun at all times.”

NY Times-

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg has been an outspoken advocate for stricter gun laws since a teenager with an AR-15 killed 17 people at his school.

Hogg’s mother, Rebecca Boldrick, says she contacted the FBI this week because threats against her family have continued to appear on Facebook. Boldrick had previously reached out to the FBI and local law enforcement last month, and she said the Broward Sheriff’s Office assigned a deputy to patrol her neighborhood.

Boldrick said she’s taking the threats seriously but isn’t letting them change her daily routine. She notes that her husband is a former FBI agent and carries a gun at all times.

ht/ Bad Brad

19 Comments on Gun Control David Hogg’s Mommy – “My husband carries a gun at all times.”

  1. It’s OK for me, but not for thee. I read this and I could feel the veins poking out of my neck in light of what his little shit kid is up too. I wonder if Hogg senior can actually pull that smoke wagon?

  2. And that’s who you’d trust to keep you safe? The BCSO? This family is 31 flavors of crazy.

    BTW, the FBI sent out a tweet this week seeking job applicants. Based on the listed requirements, they’re essentially seeking anyone with a pulse. Given their poor reputation, it doesn’t appear they’re looking to repair and reverse the damage.

  3. How come none of the other kid crusaders are reporting threats against them? I realize that Fervid Hogg is the most insufferable asshole among all of them, but they’ve all worn out their welcome. If somebody is threatening the Hoggs, then somebody is threatening the others, too. More likely, nobody is being directly threatened.

  4. People, people, be kind to the little creepy pajama boy bot. He has gained his 15 min of fame by harboring with treachery.

    Soon he will be abandoned by the demoncRATS, just as they have abandoned everyone and group, that they befriend to use, abuse and throw away on their road to full communism. Just ask the blacks, the DACA ‘kids’, the poor, criminal, Latinos, and so on.

    He’ll be lucky if he escapes being exposed to the Clinton coven, because he may escape with his life.

  5. Bad_Brad March 10, 2018 at 12:22 am

    It’s OK for me, but not for thee.

    Before reading the comments, I read the article to DH. I said “Only for me but not for thee.” I’m not surprised that the Pajama Boy Hogg is getting death threats, he put his self out there.

  6. La Bamba should play every time he’s on camera or microphone.

    His face is going to freeze up with that scowl of his and he’ll instantly become that old man yelling at kids to get off his lawn.

  7. Contrary to the opinions that Liberals generally express about the Second Amendment, they are not “Anti-Gun”, they just don’t want anyone else to have them.

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