Gun Controller Stoops To New Low In VA House Race – IOTW Report

Gun Controller Stoops To New Low In VA House Race

Washington Free Beacon

Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts shared a fake photograph to attack GOP congressional hopeful Nick Freitas in a now-deleted Thursday tweet.

Freitas, an Army veteran, is running to unseat freshman representative Abigail Spanberger (D., Va.), who is backed by prominent gun-control groups, including Moms Demand Action. Watts, who founded the group in 2012, falsely accused Freitas of promoting a t-shirt that bears the Moms Demand Action logo, but features stick figures engaged in various acts of sexual congress and depravity. The Thursday tweet, which Watts has since deleted, included a fundraising plea in support of Spanberger.

Freitas responded to the attack Thursday, accusing Watts of engaging in “politics of slander” to bolster her candidate. “Not only is this ‘tweet’ verifiably fake, but she used it to slander my wife,” Freitas said in a tweet. “If they can’t win on issues, they engage in the politics of slander + personal destruction.” More

22 Comments on Gun Controller Stoops To New Low In VA House Race

  1. Shannon Watts is a lying bitch. She has no problem slandering people. Not an honorable person by any stretch and it doesn’t bother her a bit. She’s a dirt bag with poor hygiene.

  2. Gee a politician behaves badly. Next? Water discovered to be wet.

    Sorry but this kind of shit pales in comparison to what these fuck wits do when they actually become Congressmen. We passed that time that’s “…too early to start shooting the bastards” years ago.

    At light speed.

    On roller skates.

  3. 75% of her face is NOSE. She can smell somebody breaking wind at 500 yards.
    Sticking her nose into other people’s business would be painful for other people!

  4. Reader comprehension is taking a beating here. The one with the big nose, the Freshman Running to unseat the Democrat, she’d be a Republican. The hero in this story. You actually are required to click the link and read the story to get a picture of the anti gun bitch.

  5. The picture should have been of Shannon Watts as the story was about her actions. Watts is just another person seeking fame and since drinking was taken with MADD she went for guns. I hope you can control her ilk better then we controlled Justin who passed an anti gun law of historic proportions without using Parliament.

  6. Spanberger is a Spook who was bought into an overwhelmingly Republican district by Bloomberg. Of course Dave Brat was a RINO, that didn’t help. She’s gonna have a rough go of it with Freitas. Regardless, lots of ex-alphabet being brought (bought) here by NY. It’s an insurgency.

    Enough career politicians, more Veterans.

  7. accused Freitas of promoting a t-shirt that bears the Moms Demand Action logo, but features stick figures engaged in various acts of sexual congress and depravity

    Not only is this ‘tweet’ verifiably fake, but she used it to slander my wife

    Now, THAT’S! what we’ve been waiting for! The GOP finally WANT’S to WIN!

    Never thought I’d see the day. That Republicucks would support a tranny. To beat a lesbian. ‘Bout damn…

    Hmm? What? OH! You’re F’N kidding me!? He’s serious? Just another lesbian Republicuck?

    ooh. yay.


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