*Gun Derangement Syndrome – IOTW Report

*Gun Derangement Syndrome

Uncle Al says:

Yet another example of *GDS from Silicon Valley’s finest.  After reading this Breitbart article saying Google Shopping was filtering out any search with the word GUN in it, even the character string GUN in a word such as BURGUNDY, I went to see for myself.  Take a look at this screenshot.

Google has removed some of the filtering, but my search was done after that and still does not produce results.

Story at  Breitbart


The presence of mind for Al to search Beatles Revolver, I thought, was brilliant.

This is ridiculous.

I found the album Revolver for sale in Google shopping. Revolver is in the description of the item, so there is no way it shouldn’t come up in a search unless it’s been filtered.

– bfh

12 Comments on *Gun Derangement Syndrome

  1. Yap, I looked it up yesterday, also: AR-15, guns, ammo, handgun, and maybe more, I forget, all came up empty.

    After that went straight to DickDuckGo, which I’d been hearing about since some time and finally made it my default search.

  2. It really is too bad that google is so infected with moonbattery, their products are often quite innovative. They need an antivirus to root if out before the infection destroys them and it surely will, it’s only a matter of how quickly.

  3. we need to make the word ‘Google’ synonymous w/ ‘Censoring’

    as in, “I was trying to explain my side of the store, but the judge googled me”
    “I got googled in class today when I expressed my opinion on skirts for men”
    “the tv was too loud, so I hit the google button”
    “somebody google that damn dog!”
    … etc., etc., etc.

  4. I like the idea of turning the word “Google” into a cuss word to convey our displeasure at their Lefty censorship.

    Join in with your ideas:

    1. Ah GOOGLE! (said when stubbing your toe).
    2. Google you and the donkey you rode in on!
    3. Go auto-Google yourself and consume Google until you expire! (A derivative of GFY and ESAD).
    4. You mother-Googler!
    5. After doing tequila shots we were all Googled up.
    6. Where the Google are my car keys!

    See how versatile this word is when used correctly.

  5. The left needed a fresh derangement syndrome. They have a short attention span and tend to burn out without variety since their material is so weak and tepid. Like a cat chasing a laser pointer.

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