Gun Ownership Is Probably Far More Widespread Than We Thought – IOTW Report

Gun Ownership Is Probably Far More Widespread Than We Thought


Gun owners are not what you might call sharers. And, so, it’s always been difficult to gather good data on the number of firearm or firearm owners in the United States.

These days, anti-gun groups like to make the highly debatable claim that fewer Americans own guns, they just own more of them. The most-repeated guess is that there are around 400 million guns in American hands. Many rightly suspect that this is a significant underestimation. Whether it is 400 million or 500 million, there is no evidence of a noticeable decrease in gun-owning households.

As unreliable as polling is, it has remained remarkably consistent in one area. According to Gallup, gun ownership per household in 1961 was at 49 percent. By 1993, it was at 51 percent, despite numerous social changes, including a population movement from rural areas, the sharp decrease in hunting as the national pastime, and the proliferation of laws meant to inhibit ownership. In 2013, household ownership was at around 45 percent — fluctuating somewhere in the mid-40s for the next decade. MORE

31 Comments on Gun Ownership Is Probably Far More Widespread Than We Thought

  1. Years ago when I started getting involved in firearms and carrying concealed, I was pleasantly surprised to find out a number of other men at church were also carrying. Guys I never would have pegged as “firearms guys.” Very unassuming, very straight laced and quite types. At the Methodist church, even!

  2. When I was an instructor about 10 years ago we had a lady probably mid 80’s come to our Concealed Carry class with her walker and one finger in the trigger guard of a Ruger RedHawk .44 that her late husband left her…And it was still loaded!
    One of the other instructors took the weapon and unloaded it and asked her if she could even aim it. NOPE! We gave her a refund and sent her home!

  3. From my vantage point, with my little toe still dangling in the gun industry, gun ownership is back in the rise. In fact if you were charting it on a graph the line would be at about at 45 degrees. I get this info from the 5 or so gun stores I still speak with. First time gun owners are still on the rise. COVID started it. Our current Federal Government as kept it going. I also no a couple trainers that report the same thing.

  4. DOC
    I have a friend that ran into the almost identical situation as you describe. He sold her a Walters PPK and spent a lot of time training her. I’ve met her at his store. The old gal is a laugh riot.

  5. Our county sheriff has made it known that no one, gun owner or not, should open the door to anyone saying they are there to check if you have guns. He said to keep the door shut, excuse yourself for a minute, call the sheriff office to let them know, and wait for them to come and arrest them.

  6. -How many guns should a normal person have?
    -About five.
    -That sounds like a gun enthusiast to me.
    -No, a gun enthusiast has fifteen.
    -That sounds like someone obsessed with guns.
    -No, people obsessed with guns have hundreds.
    -That sounds like a psycho.
    -No, psychos seldom own guns, or just get one or two.
    -That sounds like a normal person though.
    -No, a normal person has about five, we already covered that…

  7. What good are they anyhow, we need F-15s and nukes. Don’t get an AR-14 with bullets that travel 5 times faster than normal bullets because that’s at least 3 times faster than an F-15. Don’t have an unarmed protest at the capitol otherwise government will cease function. Otherwise, a .22 cal or 9 mil is just fine, no one ever killed a person with those, but only without a high capacity clip otherwise all the children in a school will die. We’re all safer when government buys back their guns that you have leased from them and equitably distributes them to perfectly sane non binary questioning gendered individuals and of course undocumented citizens that are more patriotic than natural born citizens.

    I get my extremely accurate knowledge from government leadership and government sponsored media, this settled science isn’t up for debate.

  8. Gun ownership is more common than WHO thought? While fishing this spring I was astounded at the number of FISHERMEN who were packing. More than half of them were. You never know what those perch will do.

    Where I live you still see rifles in the back window of pick up trucks. Nobody gets excited.

    90% of the homes are armed that I know of. Consider that there are some in the other 10% that are also armed and I don’t know about.

    I’m kind of glad they all have them because I don’t have any.

  9. Medicare wants to know if I have guns in the household. They ask me once a year. They haven’t got an answer yet which means if they’re smart, they’ve got their answer.

    My wife, who has had zero trust in the medical community since she was in her teens, decided that maybe since her years are advancing that she should have a relationship with some doctor even if it’s minor. With nothing troubling her, she goes to the guy I’d seen after we’d moved here and once he enters the room she asks him, is this where you ask me I have any guns? He looks at her and says, I don’t think it’s any of my business but I really hope you do.

    A short time later he went concierge and unfortunately, we can’t afford him. What a shame as we both really liked him.

  10. I worked with a guy that would very freely talk guns with anyone if the subject came up. It oftentimes reached a point where eyebrows started getting raised and he had to tell them that he didn’t have an arsenal, he had a collection.

  11. The Demoncrats are the biggest gun sales people around! I think ammo will become more valuable than the gun itself, at least that’s where I’d spend my money in preps.

  12. Our pediatrician asked me at every visit. Then he began asking the kids after I was asked to leave the room for “private question time with a female nurse accompanying”

    My smart-ass youngest said “you SHOULD be asking if my mom is carrying one on her person NOW”.

    She is magnificent, she is my pride and joy.


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