Gun Safety Award Winner – IOTW Report

Gun Safety Award Winner

hammer gun chap

This big brain took his gun out at an elementary school and used it as a hammer to put a thumbtack into a wood plaque.

When one of his few brain cells fired a faint electrical pulse, he decided, after hammering a few times, to stop and unload the weapon.

18 Comments on Gun Safety Award Winner

  1. Yet again, another “responsible” ammosexual NRA member. I would just let them thin the herd, but their antics kill children. Ban! Guns! Now!

  2. Larry, do you really believe that banning guns will get rid of guns? If so, you have a problem differentiating your fantasies with the real world. In the real world:

    I have guns.
    You don’t want me to have guns
    I won’t won’t give them to you.
    Your move.

  3. While I wouldn’t consider using a firearm the way he did, I don’t like beat up and ratty looking guns, I have used the butt of a piston as though the dumbshit’s head was a nail and yes, there was a round in the chamber and the safety was off.
    The odds of the firearm discharging during that action were about equal to having a piano fall on me from an upper window at that moment.

  4. Shooting anything loaded with tannerite is fun!
    When I was a kid I made guncotton (fuming nitric acid was easier to get ahold of back then). I would pack it in a hole in a fence, and a bullseye was well rewarded.

  5. Using a gun as a hammer is a bad habit picked up from watching too many Hopalong Cassidy movies. Hoppy used to nail wanted poster to trees and barn doors with the butt of his revolver
    One day while nailing a “Wanted for Robbery, Pecos Pete”
    poster to a post, the gun went off and the bullet shattered his right knee cap. That’s where he got the name Hopalong.
    Well, that’s what I heard.

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