BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation today is calling for a probe by the House Oversight Committee on an effort by the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to record license plate information on all cars belonging to gun show customers in Southern California, calling the project a “civil rights outrage.”
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that federal agents apparently persuaded local police officers in 2010 to scan those license plates, ostensibly to detect possible gun smuggling. But SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb said the effort appears to have been “one more gun control affront launched during the Obama administration.”
Now a “civil rights” outrage.
Uh huh. Gotcha.
Wake me when Trump has won, please.
If they tried that at a Goddamned faggot bar and the left would absolutely go ballistic
It’s not just the gun shows. Our local range is a very large very tacticool place. On the weekends its not uncommon to see a couple black Crown Vics slowly driving through the parking lot. They stick out.
brad- you should start videotaping them…they’freak
I think the Justice Department has the market cornered on gun smuggling.
They should have scanned the parking lot where Holder and his F&F ATF agents parked.
Whadaya think that data center in Utah isfor?
You know those guys in the Vics have all the good guns they don’t want you to have.
Like this Ak-15 Glock with a high capacity clip:
My next license plate is gonna be DNDUNUFN.
Hey Dad- Check this:
Game. Set. Match.
Our government is public enemy #1.
@bayouwulf, and everybody else, it’s important to know that those data centers, known as “fusion centers”, are now in every state. The one in Utah is probably the largest but they are all connected and share information.
Catching the real terrorists is probably not what they spend all their time and OUR money on.
Here are some of the locations:
Vietvet – that is way cool.
As a child, I wanted a Luger. Badly. There is still something about the design that holds my attention. Not overly done. Minimalist compared to a gun with a slide. And that dang flexing part is like no other.
Back in the 60s the choices were fewer and I considered a 9mm semi-auto exotic compared to the 1911s and revolvers I personally saw. I really didn’t ever see a 9mm anything in use back then.