Gun Store Ordered to Pay $ Millions – IOTW Report

Gun Store Ordered to Pay $ Millions

Two Milwaukee police officers were shot and severely wounded by Julius Burton in June 2009. Mr. Burton couldn’t legally purchase the gun used in the crime, so he had a friend, Jacob Collins, buy the pistol for him at Badger Guns.


Video of Jacob Collins buying the gun for Julius Burton

The two officers sued Badger Guns for negligence for selling the firearm in an obvious “straw purchase” transaction.

A jury last night found for the plaintiffs and awarded close to $6 million to the two police officers.


The Badger Guns employee was pretty blatant in helping Mr. Collins fill out the necessary paperwork so it would be accepted by the State.

This case will be a precedent for lawsuits against gun stores in the future.




16 Comments on Gun Store Ordered to Pay $ Millions

  1. The gun store should sue the manufacturer.
    The manufacturer should sue the forge that made the metal
    The forge should sue the mining company that mined the raw material.
    Problem solved.
    Your welcome.

  2. Gun shop owner got what he deserved. Note to owner: you might want to rethink that security system you got there bud. Any video stored for over 24 hours might just bite you in the ass.

  3. As the “laws” are written he obviously screwed up.

    But, in my humble opinion it’s not the responsibility of the seller to keep a felon from obtaining a weapon, It’s the criminal “justice” system’s responsibility to make sure violent criminals never walk free, at least with enough fingers to pull a trigger.

  4. I live about 35 miles from Chiraq, the local place is this tight.

    My buddy and I head up to look around, he starts hawking a Browning Buckmark, a target .22 pistol above all else. We both handle it so we were both felony checked, no straw purchase going on. Buddy decides to buy it, paperwork starts and somewhere between he says, wife will love it.

    Transaction shut down, come back with your wife.

  5. And if the store employee refused to sell the black guy a gun, what would the SJW lawyers have to say? After all, was the employee just helping the guy fill out that terribly complicated paperwork? He doesn’t have to fill out that kind of papers to vote.

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