Gun Violence Archive- Totally Biased Incident Map – IOTW Report

Gun Violence Archive- Totally Biased Incident Map

Market Watch used the occasion of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting to publish a map of this year’s gunshot deaths from across the country. The source’s, The Gun Violence Archive, stated mission is to provide the “public access to accurate information about gun-related violence in the United States.”

Besides presenting their information in a nearly useless map format (the red dots do not indicate concentrations of gun deaths), both the source and Market Watch fail to mention the number of gun deaths prevented each year by those who practice their 2nd amendment rights. More 

9 Comments on Gun Violence Archive- Totally Biased Incident Map

  1. Oooh…Oooh… a ‘deadly weapon’. Just more drivel from the enlightened ones.

    If I ever have the need to use a weapon…you can be damn sure I will try to make it deadly.

  2. They love the FBI when its members illegally investigate Trump ‘for the good of the country’, but completely ignore its annual announcement that about 1 million incidents a year happen in the US in which a gun protected its owner or those he cared about.

  3. Gun death stats have always been about gun control they bunch up suicide and police related kills to make up the numbers .(15500)
    However the overdoses is at 70,000 drunk driving deaths 10000 illegal alien crime is up also but not a peep about that but guns are bad. I think they should work on those big numbers fist ,don’t you?

  4. The map looks more like a population density map of the US more than anything. In and of itself, this map tells us nothing useful.

    Gun violence is a broad category. To properly analyze gun violence, it needs to be broken down: intentional shootings versus accidental/suicide, etc., law enforcement shootings, child incidents, etc. Furthermore, it would be helpful to break down the demographics of gun violence: large cities versus medium size cities versus rural areas; age, racial background, socio-economic background, gun violence in districts with existing gun regulations, domestic violence, gun violence in the course of crimes, and intentional homicides.

    I understand why leftists who want a total ban on private gun ownership (a) engage in these types of useless graphics, and (b) do not want a break down of the differing types of gun violence. But in debating gun control, as with any other topic, the more useful information the better.


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