Gunfire at DC Juneteenth Street Party – IOTW Report

Gunfire at DC Juneteenth Street Party

Gateway Pundit:
Several people, including a police officer, were wounded by gunfire at a Juneteenth street party celebration being attended by hundreds of people in Northwest Washington, D.C. Sunday evening. The shooting took place on U Street between 14th and 13th Streets, about thirteen blocks north of the White House. UPDATE: Four people were shot according to police. A 15-year-old was killed. Among the three wounded is a police officer. Police were breaking up an illegal pop-up Juneteenth celebration called Moechella. more

31 Comments on Gunfire at DC Juneteenth Street Party

  1. What’s a real Juneteenth party without some shootings?
    Lending authenticity and keeping it real as they say.
    Give it up for Juneteenth and how about a shout out.

  2. Not much has changed in the 50 years it’s been since I lived in an apartment at 16th and S, a mere four blocks from last night’s “party”.

    Living in Washington, D.C., was exciting if nothing else. A few years earlier during the ’68 riots I could step out on my front porch on Kenyon St. and see the National Guard machine gun nests a block and a half away at 17th and at Mt. Pleasant Sts. That house was near the National Zoo and at night you could hear the wild animals howling. We had to listen closely to figure out if the noise was coming from the zoo to the west of us, of from the other side and our neighbors’ night life.

  3. I used to drive a school bus for a town in Virginia,anyway I was one of the few that would go into DC. So many stories about my adventures there. DC does have a ghetto though they try and hide it. Once I took kids to visit the capital(no it wasn’t a insurrection) and I parked somewhat close. I could see the golden arches in a distance not wanting to lose my parking place I walked. When I got to McDonald’s I wanted to use the restroom which was upstairs. When I went in there was a lady half dressed brushing her teeth and she very cordially offered me the sink she was using,the other sink looked like it had puke in it. She evidently lived in there and was a great hostess but even though I was hungry I passed on the food and quickly walked back to my bus and locked myself in.

  4. @Cmn¢¢guy, uvalde, tx the other end of the scale, armed to the teeth, that worked out rather well right. Hate & guns, guns & hate, please keep up the good work, doin a bang up job of takin after the brothers in Chicago & culling your own kind.

  5. ^^^^. And what about hammers you stupid fuck. After all they kill more people than long guns. Shouldn’t we have back ground checks on them? It’s not the tool moron, it’s the person using. And murder is still against the law.

  6. ^^^^^. And what about hammers you stupid fuck. They kill more people than ARs by far. Don’t we need better hammer control? It’s not the tool moron it’s the person behind it. And murder is still illegal

  7. Juneteenth, does not celebrate the Emancipation Proclamation which was signed by President Lincoln two years before June 19th 1885. It’s focus is on a region in Texas that took its time to recognize the Emancipation Proclamation existed. That’s nothing to celebrate and it’s more likely a lie this was the last place to get the news.
    This is just another Demwit grifter “holiday” just like Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Not surprised Juneteenth is another opportunity for black plantation dwellers to blindly continue committing crimes against themselves.

  8. Triggered, itchy fingers, itchy trigger finger. Who the fucks talkin gun control? He pointed to DC, a unique place in America, I pointed to another unique place. But lets see, DC, 1 dead, 3 wounded. Uvalde, 20 dead, 17 wounded. You win & again please keep up the good fight.

  9. TheBro
    The person you responded to was pointing out what happens to a community that had been disarmed thru gun control. So you were talking about gun control you’re just to stupid to realize it. This is why there’s no talking with Libtard Zombies. They’re disingenuous and stupid

  10. Denver had one of the earliest Juneteenth celebrations and it turned into nothing but a riot….year after year after year….Now, let’s talk about the cinco de mayo celebrations, I mean riots…..Two chunks of Denver that you knew not to be near during a certain part of the calendar year….

  11. Brad stickn his dumbass 2cents doesn’t even have a fuckn clue what the hell people are talkn bout, dipstick. DC no guns. Texas guns, you’re the loser who brought up gun control. Idiot.

  12. I remember those days in Denver. In fact, I lived in 5 Points on Welton during one of the first Juneteeth festivals. I had friends that lived about 6 or 7 streets over who called me and asked if I could turn the “celebration” down.

    And I loved how the response to the vatos cruising during Cinco was to close off I-25 exits into west Denver.

    What a shithole even back than.

  13. “when those dindu mothers they start to thug, get your yt-ass movin’, it’s time to bug – start movin’ on, it’s time you’re gone”

    -variation on a korean war ditty, apologies to hank snow.

  14. Look how close Juneteenth as a paid (politically correct) federal holiday with 3 days off for gubmint workers etc. is from the 4th of July Independence Day which is 2 weeks from today. I worked today, just like most normal people do on bogus holidays. Give me Independence Day on the 4th of July every year over another made up bogus paid holiday for gubmint workers etc. And whoever heard of a teenth of a month, it sounds like more progtard mumbo jumbo to me to placate the masses of ignorant black people by their lord’s and masters in the democrap party.

  15. WE’Z, US’SS, came here after 1865. So fuck you.

    Didn’t make a dent, did it?

    Where are MY reparations?

    Logic is not what it used to be.

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