‘Gutless’: Lou Dobbs Slams McCarthy, House Republicans for Voting Against Banning Earmarks – IOTW Report

‘Gutless’: Lou Dobbs Slams McCarthy, House Republicans for Voting Against Banning Earmarks

National File:

Former Fox News host Lou Dobbs slammed McCarthy and House Republicans for voting against the banning of earmarks at their conference meeting earlier this month. Dobbs slammed current House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) — who is facing growing difficulties in his quest to reclaim his House Speaker position — as “gutless,” adding that the longtime House GOP leader is unfit to remain in that role going forward.

“Republicans—yes, Republicans—voted yesterday in our conference meeting 158-52 AGAINST banning earmarks,” U.S. Rep. Bob Good wrote in a tweet on December 1. “The silence from leadership is deafening. We cannot continue the status quo. We must have change!” MORE

6 Comments on ‘Gutless’: Lou Dobbs Slams McCarthy, House Republicans for Voting Against Banning Earmarks

  1. Most Republicans didn’t used to be ‘statists.’ But unfortunately, government is God for them too, now. They worship it.

    In fact, 99% of the people involved with government worship it.

    If you stop and think about, it’s mostly crap.

  2. We at one time would send those that had their mettle tested in actual service to their constituents. Today We send COWARDS, cowards that are afraid to push back against powers that control the 4th branch.
    We should all be aware that the “powers” have demonstrated that they will do ANYTHING to stay their course. This will only get worse until……

  3. Republicans that don’t stand for conservative values are no better than democrats and of no use to conservative voters. This is a recipe to keep republicans in the minority because why vote for a party that will not do things differently?


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