Guy bends over and a very bad thing happens – IOTW Report

Guy bends over and a very bad thing happens

28 Comments on Guy bends over and a very bad thing happens

  1. Appendix carry is one of those topics that come up every so often on gun-oriented web sites and that generate a lot of comments. Although there are always a few who like carrying their handguns pointed at their sex organs and femoral arteries, the large majority of gun packers think it is a Really Bad Idea™ if not a sure-fire sign of outright idiocy.

  2. Rumor has it he got his shirt caught inside the trigger guard when he put the gun in the holster. Bent over and it put more than 4.5 pounds of pressure on the trigger. Appendix rigs are super fast. It’s like grabbing for your nuts. A mans quickest instinctive move. Appendix is not practical for an active life style. I’ll keep mine on my hip thank you.

  3. Procedure to holster a Glock safely:

    Remove holster from belt, clothing or body appendage.

    Inspect holster interior for foreign objects. Pocket lint, spare change, dandelion seeds etc.

    While keeping Glock muzzle pointed in a safe direction, insert muzzle first into holster making sure no part of the holster- retention straps, molded contours, or deep shadows enters any part of the trigger guard.

    When Glock is securely positioned to full depth in the holster, place in a secure, locked container away from children, Federal Law Enforcement Agents, and Sidewalk Commandos.

    The Glock product is designed to be removed from holsters. Inserting the Glock product into a holster, waistband, pocket, backpack, or car console voids all warranties expressed or implied.

  4. So was he wearing underwear or not??? He seemed hesitant to remove his pants in front of the chick. Kinda telling when you’re more concerned about your package than bleeding out.

    Always remember mom’s number one rule…clean underwear every day because you never know when you’ll shoot yourself in the nutz.

  5. Looked like a range setting to me, or a retail supplier. She responded better than he did, gloved up and started to assess his condition. Looks like she has done that before.

  6. No holster equal no nuts. Grab the gun and squeeze the trigger.
    BAM no nuts or a hole in, some were.
    Even the old cowboys and their six shooters, new not to draw until you were ready.

  7. From Brad: “Rumor has it he got his shirt caught inside the trigger guard when he put the gun in the holster. Bent over and it put more than 4.5 pounds of pressure on the trigger.”

    That’s if he didn’t replace the stock trigger connector with a lighter pull part. I’ve seen a bunch of those around.

    Almost always done by guys that don’t shoot well anyway.

  8. Lowell
    “That’s if he didn’t replace the stock trigger connector with a lighter pull part. I’ve seen a bunch of those around.”

    I’ve had a couple friends install those connectors. One install resulted in the gun firing twice every time he depressed the trigger. My G19’s a carry weapon so it’s box stock except for the sights. Glock sites suck.


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