Guy Buys Food for Homeless Guy at McDonalds and Gets Tossed Out – IOTW Report

Guy Buys Food for Homeless Guy at McDonalds and Gets Tossed Out

The videographer is extremely confident in his righteousness, which is extreme wrongteousness.

(I do like his line, “this is how I talk, I talk loud.” That made me laugh.)

What this loud talker doesn’t take into consideration is what this homeless guy’s relationship to this McDonald’s could have been before he decided to white-knight himself.

The guy might be a pest to the patrons, and a business owner has the right to not have a customer feel harassed, no matter how badly another feels for the plight of the unfortunate.

He did the right thing at the end – he offered to drive him someplace else for something to eat.

But if he arrives at a Wendys and a manager says, “no, not this guy, he pisses in my doorway,” you gotta go.

If you’re going to be an empath, you should know the entire shot before you take your noble stand.

23 Comments on Guy Buys Food for Homeless Guy at McDonalds and Gets Tossed Out

  1. Whiny, nasal, effeminate voice like that Kennedy clown (Joe, I think) that always saving the planet and a pretty good reflection of the soy boy in the window at 2:30. Sometimes you can’t help but pray for the Civil Uprising to come without feeling a little giddish.

  2. I’ve been known on occasion to buy lunch for hungry people or people down on their luck if I believe that they really need it. Not very often but there are times when I feel prompted that it’s the right thing to do. The same thing for people who need gas to get somewhere when they’re broke. I don’t have a lot but I will share what little I have at times that I believe are appropriate, mainly because I’ve been helped out of the blue on occasion and this is my way of paying it back.

  3. This guy was a complete jerk. As mentioned, the hero had no idea what the history was with this guy, he could have created problems in the area before. Besides, the hero could have got his food to go if he was so worried about him eating and not putting on a moral passion play.
    There’s no problem with giving some person food but this was more about him making a loud and obnoxious moral statement.

  4. My stealth approach not so stealth anymore. 😉

    “so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” ~Matthew 6:4

  5. I loved that the guy bought the homeless man food. I also loved that he was loud and showed what this McDonalds is really like. What was the guy to do, have the homeless man fill out a questionnaire of all his dealings with eateries before offering to feed him? And the cop was grandstanding! Saying “Im not corporate”, she should’ve told the mgr to reimburse the guy for the meals!

  6. I just call the McDonald’s corporate office. 630- 623- 3000 I told this mother fuc that if that was a criminal illegal aliens McDonald’s will not do that. I also said that the homeless people in America aren’t being taking care but the fuc criminal illegal aliens are well taking care. Fuc your McDonald’s I will make sure that people boycotted every single McDonald’s and your mother fuc ass don’t make money. I’m calling the McDonald’s in South Carolina M B .

  7. He was kind of obnoxious, but he was a paying customer and he paid for the guy’s food. Unless one of them were causing problems I don’t get why McDonalds called the cops and wanted them removed.
    I get that homeless folks can be annoying coming up to you and asking you for money, but I’ve never called the cops on them.

    I would like to know what happened before the video.

  8. Vietvet March 2, 2018 at 7:22 am

    To me, this is one of those situations that just begs the question,

    “What Would Jesus Do?”

    Was it on IOTW where I read that a woman took a homeless man home to get a shower and clean himself up? He ended up murdering her – brutally. God gave you a mind with some common sense. Sometimes you have to harden your heart to protect yourself. That’s what Jesus would have me do to stay alive.

  9. @Old Racist White Woman: A couple of times they had parked themselves and their dogs in the post office. People like me were afraid to go inside to get our mail. I called the cops, there were two men and 4 dogs sacked out. When the cop showed up he went inside and talked to them. The cop came back out to me and said “I know one of the guys, he’s okay.” I told the cop if he “was okay” to take him home with him to meet his wife and kids. He made them leave. Now the post office closes at 9:00 pm and opens up at 6:00 am. Security is now patrolling the shopping center and bus stop behind the post office. Glad they are there!

  10. The guy was a self righteous jerk. Its’s like when you are dealing with a sob story crack addict(saw mugshot online later) begging for money because he needs bus fare and no one will help him. Why won’t anyone help? They’re all so cold and mean. You pay give him a dollar. When he gets on the bus, he whips out his bus pass and sits down across from you. (True story)

    I was most impressed by a manager at Taco Bell the other day. Some young guy came in and asked if he could take out the trash for food. The manager said yes, for a burrito. He diligently took out all the garbage and replaced all the bags. I was going to buy him a meal, but I didn’t want to interfere with the manager’s deal or try an one up him. I still handed the dude some $singles and told him where my church was if he needed help(we help with one of the biggest homeless outreaches in our downtown).

    In this video, this guy is pissed because his attempt at virtue got smashed and he couldn’t accept that he might have just given a meal to a person non grata.

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