Guy holds knife to fiancé as police try to deescalate – IOTW Report

Guy holds knife to fiancé as police try to deescalate

This is a must see video. This should be shown on a loop and every GD knucklehead marching out there should be forced to see.

No, scratch that. That wouldn’t do a GD thing.

We must throw every GD politician that supports #BLM out of office and quit placating these low IQ a-holes.

Okay, so I think you have watched the video.


This is insanity. This amount of stupid cannot be tolerated.

49 Comments on Guy holds knife to fiancé as police try to deescalate

  1. The police should stop being first responders. Let us all take care of ourselves and they should show up later to take statements. Strong 2A rights in all cities and states. Thin the herd.

  2. The Officer had numerous opportunities to eliminate the criminal before his knife action.
    Stop trying to be social workers and solve personal problems, if Life is threatened (as it was in this case) shoot for center body mass (a minimum of 4 shots (damn 9mm) and eliminate the criminal.
    If you want to be a social worker apply for “that” job.

  3. …yep, that’s every domestic violence call I was ever on in the life squad…well, every one where the woman wasn,t beaten unconscious or already dead, that is…

  4. This attitude is not a product the times we live in, enhanced police conduct scrutiny and large civil payouts, no, it has been around for as long as I can remember.

    This is why cops hate domestic disturbance calls, the victims rarely co-operate. Battered abused women never follow up and press charges, even when the kids are abused as well. Women figure that when he is released he will beater worse than before and then their is the financial element, he can’t provide for the family if he is locked up.

    I don’t know why more research and funding isn’t spent on more reliable Tasers, they had such promise when they first came out. but by and large they don’t work to the extent that they need to, and they bring civil liability as well.

  5. Three lessons here:

    1) Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be psychos

    2) Wimminz, don’t let crazy into your lives, no matter how lonely you are

    3) Hold fire for another 15 to 30 seconds, then there will be no complaints

  6. Look at the condition of the house, look at the woman, should have not shot quick enough, then two fewer losers in the world.

    If you don’t want your life saved, don’t call for help.

  7. Nah, she is not sad they killed him. All an act. What she is counting on is turning the shooting into another police bad circus and then milking it for a huge payout from the city… because BLM of course!

  8. Who else is sick to death of seeing this human waste sobbing uncontrollably with no tears? Screw them all. No sympathy for her, her kids, or her piece of shit “fiance”.

  9. Holy cow that place is a dump! Do some housework you slobs.
    What is it with black guys and fat white women?
    I see it all the time in the welfare housing near me.

  10. beachmom
    MAY 20, 2021 AT 1:00 PM
    “Holy cow that place is a dump! Do some housework you slobs.”

    …believe me, as bad as it looks, the smell is worse. Dog shit smells from the obligatory abused pit bull, strong cat urine smell from the meth production, unwashed bodies, unwashed clothes, spoiled food ground into the moldy, pulling-apart carpet festooned with burn marks and a lingering miasma of spilled cheap wine and malt liquor, piles of diapers if there’s a baby in the house (and there almost always IS, that’s what the fat White woman is FOR), and an omnipresent turbulence of skunky-smwlling cheap crappy pot filling in the smog gaps left from the Kools and Newports.

    …and this is all BEFORE BLM started burning the OUTSIDE of the buildings, this is just a NORMAL day IF the local bored teens haven’t set a mattress on fire in the hallway for laffs yet…

  11. Brown Eyed Girl
    MAY 20, 2021 AT 12:52 PM
    “Who else is sick to death of seeing this human waste sobbing uncontrollably with no tears?”

    …it’s what her contingency civil suit lawyer TOLD her to do to set up the payday later…

  12. In all seriousness though, Battered Woman Syndrome if for reals. Spend a little time working with battered women, especially when kids are involved, and you’ll get more insight into this than you might want.

    She probably got into this for the usual dumb young girl reasons, like rebelling against parents, sexual curiosity, modern pressures to “prove” she wasn’t racist by sleeping with a Black guy, then out pops a little “accident” and there ain’t no going back now. And if she’s the nasty, thoughtless type she likely burned her bridges anyway, so nowhere to go back TO.

    …then HE starts to feel trapped. Resentful. Probably just in it for the Mandingo action himself, but she had his kids, and now she won’t leave.

    So the abuse starts.

    And the woman stays. Seems weird most looking in from outside, but she stays.

    There’s a lot of reasons for this.

    Abusers spend a lot of time gaslighting their spouses for one thing, telling them how worthless they are and convincing them that they’ll NEVER be able to attract another man, so there’s that.

    They sometimes reinforce that negative self-image with beatings, then tell her no one wants a woman with bruises and a broken nose and knocked-out teeth.

    Also, guys like that are usually economic terrorists. They DO make the money, and generally CONTROL it, keeping Wifey barefoot, pregnant, and stupid so she becomes convinced she could NEVER get a job and support HERSELF, let alone KIDS. This is one of the things that makes domestics dangerous for the police, when they haul the abuser off, the abuseEE jumps them…because that’s her MEAL TICKET. It seems likey that’s in play here as well, just in a post-mortem way.

    She’s just lucky HE’S the “mortem” instead of HER, thanks ONLY to the cop, but a girl’s gotta eat…

    …this probably ain’t the first time, but she stuck it out too long, almost to the point of it being fatal.

    That’s sometimes because women can be too prideful in these situations. Most women consider husbands as “fixer-uppers”, may even have experienced his violent tendencies before, but go into it thinking “I can change him”. Leaving him would be an admission of failure, then EVERYBODY would know she “wasn’t woman enough” to keep him. Also, as long as he’s married to her, he can’t PUBLICLY go after Shaniqua at the bar, and she doesn’t wanna see THAT, either.

    And, in terms of TRUE self-worth destruction, there’s always marital rape. Rape does a STUPENDOUS job of convincing a woman she is worthless and weak, and always carries the further promise of more and worse degradation and pain if not compliant if future. Rape psychology is an ugly, ugly topic, but suffice to say for our purposes that it can mentally break some women into total surrender.

    And then their are kids.

    Or should I say, hostages.

    Once a woman has children with a man, all bets are off. She has to feed and support them somehow, and HE’S the somehow. If she leaves him and takes the kids, that’s MULTIPLE helpless people she has to house, feed, and defend when she probably can’t do so for HERSELF. If she LEAVES them, then that’s with full knowledge that his hate will probably be taken OUT on them, broken bones and child rape NOT excepted.

    Sure, she can have the cops remove him, but not FOREVER.

    He’ll be BACK.

    And he WON’T be HAPPY.

    …and if he’s a persistent fellow, he’d go looking for her if she fled, and give her her beating at the shelter, or at Mom’s house, or wherever she fled to.

    The lady may, herself, come from an abusive background, where this was the NORM, her own mother may tell her it’s just what husbands DO.

    Some even come to see abuse as a sign of caring, and of love. “He’s beating me for my own good”. Helsinki syndrome’s got NOTHING on an abusive marriage.

    And this is BEFORE you get to Islam, where wife-beating is an article of FAITH, and OK because Mohammad did it, or in some Ghetto “cultures” where “slapping a ho” is so OK that its been lionized in rap for decades.

    …no, not all women are saints, but please don’t denigrate a woman just because she doesn’t just leave that jerk. There’s a LOT going on there YOU don’t know about.

    I got my education on the streets when I was picking up human wreckage, both child and adult, from these situations. Came to know some well because they were, unsurprisingly, frequent flyers. In some cases I met husband AND wife separately on different occasions, him usually after the cops tuned him a bit.

    And all I can tell you in this forum is that evil DOES exist, and manifests in abusive marriages a LOT.

    My own SISTER was in an abusive marriage, and NEVER told ME about it until her “husband” was DEAD. Why? Because she heard me discuss the things I’d seen on the street, knew my views and some extracurricular activities I may or may not have indulged in concerning them that I won’t go into here, and she didn’t want HER man to get the ass-beating he so richly deserved…because she was sure she could CHANGE him.

    And because he was my niece’s father.

    Happily, for reasons no one needs to know here, my niece was largely raised by MY parents, so I’m pretty sure he never hurt HER. But stuff my sister told me post-mortem made me want to dig his sorry dead ass UP just to beat the BONES out of him.

    Unfortunately, in the words of Aeschylus, “Pain lays not its touch upon a corpse”. I can only hope the Lord gave him what he deserved, since I couldn’t.

    But she hid it from her nearest and dearest because the bastard ruined her and she was trying to prove she could make it work.

    …so I know about this a few different ways. God has probably blessed most of you that you don’t know these things, but if you have a sister, a niece, or a daughter, it may be closer than you THINK, if you look just a little closer and dig a little deeper.

    Because they don’t TELL you.

    Oh, and WHITE guys can be total shits as well, as my own aforementioned sister’s case in point amply demonstrates.

    …so I’m not saying I like this woman in this story.

    I’m not saying AT ALL that I think the cops are wrong and that THEY owed her ANYTHING beyond good marksmanship.

    …I’m just saying I’ve seen this play before so I understand the players and their motivations, so while this ended (in MY opinion) as well as it possibly COULD have, it isn’t surprising to me AT ALL that she’s taken this turn, particularly in the current Democrat-fouled political climate…

    …so yeah, she made poor choices. And still is.

    But if we’re to hate someone, she’s just a manipulated tool. We should more rightly hate those doing the manipulation, and and you don’t have to look any further than the nearest Democrat for THAT person…

  13. Yes it’s true we’re not the highest paid professionals and our work can be extremely dangerous at times, but we all share the satisfaction of serving a grateful public!

  14. gin blossom
    MAY 20, 2021 AT 1:58 PM
    “Yes it’s true we’re not the highest paid professionals…”

    “We”? Are/were you a LEO, gb?

    If so, I salute you for your service…

  15. Once in a while you see a battered woman do the sensible thing by getting a restraining order, buying a gun, and then using it to defend herself and her kids when the guy ignores it and comes around to beat her again.

    But not very often.

  16. I like Cato’s comment above. Maybe try for 30 seconds to talk some sense into the guy, then take the necessary action. Shoot him wherever and how ever many times it takes to end the threat.

  17. She’s right, they don’t have a father now and they didn’t before, he was just a sperm donor.
    How people can think they are exempt from bullets coming at them is beyond my imagination.
    I would guess they just don’t care, so why should anybody else?

  18. gin blossom
    MAY 20, 2021 AT 4:06 PM

    “I don’t have the temperament for that job.”

    …know whatcha mean. Sometimes I think it’s amazing that they DONT shoot people more. There’s plenty of scenes I’ve been at where they were lucky the holster I had was a rescue holster and not the Sam Browne kind…

  19. BUBBA
    MAY 20, 2021 AT 3:17 PM
    “supernightshad…………….Thanks for sharing you PhD thesis with us.”

    …thesis? That’s just the INTRODUCTION.

    …I would need a MUCH bigger Internet for just the OUTLINE…

  20. SNS made lots of valid points about the many factors that are cause and effect of domestic violence. The constant denominator in every violent domestic situation is a lack of personal responsibility.

    BTW, Talking down a psycho from an intent to do harm usually never works. “Social working” a deadly crisis will result in many fatal outcomes.

    Fools like this grifting moron “mourning” her fiancé and blaming the police for ending her sickly warped codependency relationship is a good example of downright evil and ignorance.
    Routinely, this sick behavior gets passed on from generation to generation in families.

    Sadly, society finds no value in God’s principles and saving grace that can rectify the deadly cursed existence of domestic violence.


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