Guy Nonchalantly Breaks Protest Line To Get Gas – Hilarity Ensues – IOTW Report

Guy Nonchalantly Breaks Protest Line To Get Gas – Hilarity Ensues

ht/ fdr in hell

29 Comments on Guy Nonchalantly Breaks Protest Line To Get Gas – Hilarity Ensues

  1. Damn! Arguing with an old man over filling his truck with gas.
    LOVED the first part, the “line” is trying to push back on the rolling truck.
    Obviously, wasted education, not even the rudimentary understanding of physics;
    Mass of the Truck > mass of the bodies.

    And when they’re arguing at the pump…………well, let’s just say that it would have been worth the $4 to spray some octane on them, then threaten them with a Bic lighter. hehehehe

  2. “Say his name!” Sho nuff nigga. That’s right sugga. As the black patriot said “I told you that the militia is coming after you. There’s more of them than there are of you, the British found that out, you are no different.”

  3. @Aharte: There will be hell to pay when there’s no more Cheetos, Skittles and malt liquor to be had. No one will want a stolen flat screen, designer jeans full of holes, or video games. Nope, it’s all about feeding your face and nothing to put in it. You’ll be fighting with the rats over an old KFC chicken wing. Delicious to watch.

  4. About all those fat asses…have the mobs burned down any McDonald’s yet? I didn’t think so. That’d cut off the preferred large fries supply.

    So far it’s been only that one Wendy’s in Georgia that I’ve heard about, and the logo for that chain is a white girl so they deserved it.

  5. Say his name. Okay how about we start saying Aaron Danielson AKA Jay Bishop. Or David Dorn. Or Kyle Rittenhouse. These morons wouldn’t even know what it meant. This BS is the best Vote Trump you could concoct.

  6. “We’re children! We’re Fuckin Children!”

    When it suits them they are adults & when they meet resistance from an adult they are children.

    Why is the gas station not providing security?
    If that man gets injured by the mob does he get to sue the station owner/supplier for not providing a safe location?
    Why are there not a few cops around to keep this shit from happening?

  7. Thank goodness that men like my Dad and Grandpa are in heaven and aren’t around this- because if either of them had been stuck in a situation like this… it would’ve gotten ugly.

    They had no time for fools, especially a hoard of them.


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