Guy Not Fortunate Enough To Be Descendant of American Slaves Asks A Good Question – IOTW Report

Guy Not Fortunate Enough To Be Descendant of American Slaves Asks A Good Question

Created Submitted by Mark L.

Created by the great Earl of Taint


15 Comments on Guy Not Fortunate Enough To Be Descendant of American Slaves Asks A Good Question

  1. It happens due to spreadin the money around by threat of force. Some people have the power to legally take (steal) money from those who worked for it, and hand to over to people to lazy to work.

    When people don’t have to work to be able to eat, they sit around thinking up things to be upset about, they get stressed out, and eat to relieve the stress and get FAT. When they don’t burn the food calories with physical activity, they get FAT. When they don’t work they have lots of time to make a ruckus about imaginary wrongs, which doesn’t burn many calories. So they get FATTER.

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