Guy Plows Into People and Through Taco Bell Doors – He seemed upset – IOTW Report

Guy Plows Into People and Through Taco Bell Doors – He seemed upset

27 Comments on Guy Plows Into People and Through Taco Bell Doors – He seemed upset

  1. To be fair, it is a drive-through restaurant.
    I think the world might be getting a bit worse?
    Driving home from work in Portland OR yesterday there’s a crazy eyed guy crossing the street with a hatchet in his hand, the dirtiest guy I’ve ever seen down there, then 2 minutes later I see another homeless lady carrying a machete. Made for each other?

  2. Fucking negroes… Imagine the mindset of someone who goes to def con 5 because he doesn’t get to eat shitty Taco Bell food because he didn’t get his ass thru the doors on time. OMG!… It’s the end of the world!!!

  3. Does fast food make people violent or do violent people eat fast food? The customers of fast food places sure do seem to have a propensity for violence. But, you can’t assume a causal relationship between two correlated variables. Perhaps, there could be a confounding variable in the correlation between fast food and the violent people who eat it. What could this third variable be? Hmmmm….I wonder. Anyone wanna help me out here?

  4. Truly, this was the action of a thug animal. Running over people, thru doors and for what? And just listen to his fellow moronic animals cheering him on. Every one of them should be jailed for attempted murder and put behind bars for about 20 years. Since they are thug animal blacks, they will not be prosecuted, will they? So in that case, they need to be shot.

  5. That is a new one? I worked fast food in Wash DC for 12 years. Had food thrown at me, cursed at, threatened and even protested with signs and all a couple of times. Glad nobody drove into a building, pain to get that fixed and taken care of.


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