Guy Puts Trump Sticker on Hillary’s Tour Bus – IOTW Report

Guy Puts Trump Sticker on Hillary’s Tour Bus

ht/ Bad Brad

20 Comments on Guy Puts Trump Sticker on Hillary’s Tour Bus

  1. reddecaesari, I hope so. What I find interesting is the diversity in Trump voters. If I met that guy on the street I’d think Hillary supporter. I should know better. This time around it’s they guys in the suits that are our enemy.

  2. bb…
    agree completely!
    there are ZERO hillary signs in my neighborhood. but eight years ago, every lawn had a barry sign.
    i am very confident that trump will be president. people are silent but supportive. they like their cars!!!

    consider larry’s post the benchmark for WINNING!

  3. To those who ask where was the secret service in this, why were they not around? Simple, they were providing cover off screen for him to do the deed, like the Hillbots did on 9/11 at the black ambulance, aka, SUV side door for Cackling Hill.

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