Guy says he likes his “curvy” wife, SJWs attack – IOTW Report

Guy says he likes his “curvy” wife, SJWs attack

An online chubby gal took offense to an online liker of chubby gals because he was “given likes” for his declaration –


Tess Holliday has joined the long list of social media users who aren’t happy with one man’s viral Instagram post about loving his “curvy” wife.

Many initially applauded Robbie Tripp after he shared a photo of himself and his wife, praising her figure and lamenting being teased for liking “girls on the thicker side.” But that praise quickly turned to criticism, with many calling the post self-serving.

“Stop giving men trophies for doing the bare minimum,” Holliday, a 32-year-old model and body positivity advocate, wrote alongside a pair of Instagram photoson Saturday. The first photo showed a tweet that read: “*guy likes curvy woman* 16,667 favs, national news. *curvy woman likes herself* 12 favs, 48 people in your mentions talking about diabetes.”


The chubby gal can’t figure out why declaring that you “love yourself” isn’t as popular with other people as a guy saying he likes the chubby gals?


The gal actually went rooting through his Twitter account and found a remark he made about Bruce Jenner.

“Born a Bruce you’ll always be a Bruce.” (I’m paraphrasing.)

So she’s trying to get the guy pilloried for being “transphobic.”

Hey chubby girl… go love yourself.

37 Comments on Guy says he likes his “curvy” wife, SJWs attack

  1. Feminists are fucked up assholes… Have been for over half a century now. They rage because somewhere, some man may exist and be happy at the same time, and they just can’t fucking stand that.

  2. Ugly bitch needs to learn to LOVE herself (not ‘accept’), maybe then she’ll find someone who loves her, and maybe she’ll even lose a few pounds (less emotional eating).

  3. That Tess Holliday person is NOT curvy or even chubby. She is morbidly obese. It’s not cute or sexy. And those nasty tattoos sure don’t help the situation. She can’t possibly think she looks good or feel good about herself.

  4. No matter what you say, some moron is going to claim it’s offensive. The only proper response to those morons is to give them a two word phrase – and I don’t mean “Merry Christmas”.

  5. Tess’s husband would make a post something like this, “I’m like Neil goddamn Armstrong trying to climb up on her. Was unaware I married a planet.”

  6. That girl is not that “curvy” in my book. She has a very attractive face and a nice smile and looks genuinely happy with her guy. I’m not sure what this is all about. Tess, on the other hand, is just a fat girl with an attitude.

  7. A dissenting opinion

    The point is, chasers and h8ters, that thick, when not poisoned by shitlib malice, is good. Thick satisfies, thick cuts through and captures the essence of the copulatory spirit. Thick, in all its forms; thickness of thigh, of ass, of love, of knowledge of how to please has marked a tumescent surge in beta makind

  8. Can anybody find me somebody to love (Queen)

    Ooh, each morning I get up I die a little
    Can barely stand on my feet
    (Take a look at yourself) Take a look in the mirror and cry (and cry)
    Lord what you’re doing to me (yeah yeah)
    I have spent all my years in believing you
    But I just can’t get no relief, Lord!
    Somebody (somebody) ooh somebody (somebody)
    Can anybody find me somebody to love?

  9. Wanna know why our health insurance premiums are so high? Look around some time when you’re out and about. It’s disgusting the number of Americans, young and old, are either terribly overweight or morbidly so.

    (I did my part — lost those 20 pounds this year.)

  10. Here’s what the fat-headed bitch doesn’t understand. People will respond positively to seeing someone compliment another person. It’s nice, it’s sweet. Especially if they’re married or ‘involved’. On the other hand- Nobody wants to go to someone’s conceited social media page to see them talk about themselves and how pretty they are. If you think that highly of yourself, why do you need friends and admirers, dumb ass?

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