Guy sets himself on fire over Covid restrictions – IOTW Report

Guy sets himself on fire over Covid restrictions


A man set himself on fire in a car in an apparent anti-vaccine protest on a busy street in Melbourne.

Video showed a silver hatchback fully in flames near Church Street in the suburb of Richmond at around 8pm on New Year’s Day, while diners at nearby restaurants reported hearing ‘screams.’

Witnesses said police and firefighters managed to extinguish the flames before restraining the man.

He was then taken to hospital in an ambulance with life-threatening injuries.

Lydia O’Connor told The Herald Sun she was having dinner at a nearby restaurant when she heard the man screaming.

‘He poured gas on himself and on his car. It was on purpose,’ Ms O’Connor said.

‘He was screaming about mandates. He was screaming: no vax ID and throwing books.’ 

Another witness said the man’s ‘skin was burning’ and the flames had to be put out with water.

‘He was off his face screaming about the mandates,’ the witness said.


20 Comments on Guy sets himself on fire over Covid restrictions

  1. Authorities don’t care, they’re only interested in those who will roll up their sleeve and get the jab. Authorities are elated over this guys suicide. Out of sight, out of mind. Many will go the easy way out – suicide. Either way, they’ll be meeting the slab, for the good of the country of course.

  2. The “mandates” are driving people crazy.
    They should be burning the power-mad politicians and bureaucrats, though, not themselves.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. CFM 990,

    A woman did it in front of her mothers old age home 2 months ago.

    I feel sad for the guy because of what he was driven too by the state. they are to Blame!

  4. Irate Nate January 2, 2022 at 11:21 am

    What – they haven’t lifted the mandates yet? Crikey! Best get another can of gas, Bruce.

    Gas is expensive! A gallon of gas is around $4.25/gal here. A can of Drano is $2.99, and less damage to things around you. But I suppose if one is hell bent on killing themself, just make sure it’s not messy for the one cleaning up your mess.

    P.S. I have three suicides in my family circle. None of it was pleasant.

  5. The criminals in power imposing the insanity driving people mad DO NOT CARE how many people die. This man should have gone out taking as many politicians with him as possible. THAT would have made a difference.

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