Guy Shot Over Snow-Shoveled Parking Space – IOTW Report

Guy Shot Over Snow-Shoveled Parking Space

A guy shoveled out a spot and another driver took the spot. There was an argument, the guy shot the guy.

What do you suppose the Boston Police Commissioner said?

Police Commissioner William Evans said it is clear there is a problem. “I think it goes to the point all the time there’s way too many guns,” he said.

“People are shooting over a parking spot we’ve got a problem.” Police are searching for a 27-year-old suspect in a black BMW. The 34-year-old victim was transported to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.


Yes, certainly. The rage displayed by the driver was caused by the gun. Everyone knows the gun leaks some sort of juice that causes anger.

Would the commish have been happy if the guy beat the other guy to death with a snow shovel??



20 Comments on Guy Shot Over Snow-Shoveled Parking Space

  1. Back in the day a guy tried to return a coke bottle to a Bodega in Harlem for two cents The Bodega owner told him ‘ you dint buy that coke here man. Gettafukouttshere.’
    So the guy shot him dead.
    Yeah guns are a bitch. .

  2. My wife beat the crap out of a guy two years ago. For the same reason.
    Pulled the guy out of the car and bounced him off the fender.
    She is a black belt who also is CCW. She said he is lucky I didn’t shoot him.
    She had just got done shoveling. He pulls right in. On our property by the way.
    Not the city street.

  3. Parking, Boston environs, and snow is not a pretty mix at all. You ought to see how savage things can get with no gun around – those stories rarely make the news. This was Dorchester. Lucky the guy wasn’t dumped in the bay after he was shot.

  4. I have had to park and then walk a half mile to work in two different cities. People fighting over parking spots is one of the milder reasons I left the cities. The rat race is not worth giving up the pleasures of country life for. Why go through life pissed off every day?

    There are a few assholes in the country too, but they are spread out farther apart. No parking problems at all.

  5. “Gettin’ saw a fella can’t pahk his cah witout anatha fella pullin’ a gahn. Yah. Gettin’ tah be like Cuber.”

    These idiots in Boston end all the R-words with an “ah” sound, but they put an R-sound on words that end in an A.

    No wonder they elected Kennedy, Kerry and Liawatha.

  6. Police Commissioner William Evans is a moron. By his faulty logic the firearm should have been arrested and charged. Where in his response is the accountability of the perp?

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