Guy Stabbed by Antifa For Having an “Alt-right” Haircut – IOTW Report

Guy Stabbed by Antifa For Having an “Alt-right” Haircut

You know, I recently went with a short on the sides, long on top cut. The lady at the shop had a name for it —– PROGRESSIVE!!!!The pic used in this article is not the guy who was stabbed.

It’s an example of the “progressive” haircut, which was posted with this name on Pinterest.



Colorado man Joshua Witt was lucky to escape with just three stitches after being attacked by a “confused anti-fascist” brandishing a large knife.

The 26-year old Witt told his Facebook friends, in a post now shared more than 20,000 times, that he had just pulled in to the parking lot of a Steak & Shake near his home and opened his car door to get out when a man brandishing a knife confronted him, demanding to know whether Witt was “one of them neo-Nazis.”

“All I hear is, ‘Are you one of them neo-Nazis?’ as this dude is swinging a knife up over my car door at me,” Witt wrote in his post.

“I threw my hands up and once the knife kind of hit, I dived back into my car and shut the door and watched him run off west, behind my car.”

The confrontation left a huge gash in Witt’s hand, and the wound required three stitches. The pictures show blood splattered across Witt’s clothing, and the inside and outside of his car door.

“The dude was actually aiming for my head,” Witt added in the post. “I was more in shock because I was just getting a milkshake.”

Witt says he is most definitely not a neo-Nazi and that he doesn’t have any tattoos or clothing that might have led the confused anti-Nazi activist to start stabbing him randomly. Witt says his friends told him, after his post began to go viral, that it was probably his haircut:


24 Comments on Guy Stabbed by Antifa For Having an “Alt-right” Haircut

  1. Two rounds to the chest will solve the problem.

    #2 on the sides and 3″ on top, every three weeks.

    Brad, what’s the going specialty brand for 9MM close in kill
    rounds? For my .45 I’ve got talons and starfires.

  2. So, he says he is going to change his haircut. Why? We have had the idea hammered into us for decades that dressing like a thug doesn’t make one a thug, so don’t profile.

    One rule for me, another for thee.

    Also, the lines seem to be blurring between antifa and intifada. Attacking people with a knife aimed for the head sounds very familiar. It was inevitable. Muslim radicals have been trying to co-opt OWS, BLM and antifa for years.

  3. @Reboot – I’m not Brad, but I have spent a lot of time watching ballistic gel tests for a lot of different ammo. According to a lot of accounts including reviews on various sites, the Federal HST is considered one of if not THE best thing going by a lot of people these days. This guy does a lot of videos (just search for the specific round you’re looking for on youtube) and seems to have his testing down pretty well. This video was for the 147 gr. Federal HST in 9 mm. Average velocity was just over 1,000 fps (out of a Glock 19) with the average expanded size at 0.664 inches (almost double the original diameter).

    You can find it in 50 round boxes here at a good price (about $21 which is pretty cheap for “premium” ammo where I live – I’ve seen it for more than that for a 20 round box in retail stores). This site carries a lot of variations of it and Speer Gold Dot as well (among many others including the starfire, Winchester Ranger and others that are normally considered to be “law enforcement only” rounds:

    The link below is to the Federal website for “law enforcement” ammo (147 gr. 9 mm HST). At the bottom of the page for each load they show FBI protocol test results through various mediums including gelatin, windshields, drywall, etc.

  4. #2 on the sides and 3″ on top.

    Same. The commies are gonna end up attacking Jarheads and will learn the why Marines are No better friend, no worse enemy.

  5. Thanks Bubba, I will look them up. Outside of maybe four or so dealers here we have to order in bulk over seas, so we are all on the BATF watch list for buying cases of rounds.

    I hear about it every time they renew my security clearance, it’s a hoot.

    My hot weather weapon (and it’s fookin hot here) is a Glock 43. I only need a 10′ shot center of mass carry weapon and round.

  6. @Reboot – I wasn’t sure about shipping to where you are. From what I can gather (I look at .40 cal mostly), the HST is top notch in all calibers (147 grain standard pressure most preferred in 9mm even for short barrels).

    Speer Gold Dot JHP is very similar and highly rated. I talked to a technical rep for them a couple of years ago and he said Gold Dot had about 70% of the law enforcement market in the US – he said his top 2 choices for personal use were the Gold Dot and then HST (both are made by the same company, but the technology honestly appears to be as good as it gets for now).

    Winchester Ranger BJHP is also considered to be very good by a lot of people (it appears to use the PDX1 bullet (sold to the “civilian” market) which supposedly is very similar to the old “black talon”). The Ranger T-series supposedly expands juat a hair better with sharp “petals” (the copper part of the jacket), but they also have a reputation for not reliably expanding (I’ve seen videos where they didn’t expand at all in gel tests where other bullets did quite well). In .40 cal., the HST, Gold Dot and Ranger BJHP appear to be the top performers tested by the FBI and the companies spent a significant amount of money on new designs to pass muster with the FBI testing.

    The Honady rounds with the rubber tip (Critical Duty and Critical Defense) don’t seem to expand very well when tested under the same conditions as those listed above, and they are known for feeding problems in some pistols. The older XTP bullet is still pretty decent from what I can tell, but it can’t compete with the ones listed above.

    Remington Golden Saber has a reputation for jacket separation and less expansion than those listed above as well. I personally won’t even buy them.

    I haven’t been able to find testing on the starfire, but I know it does have a good reputation for expansion (I think it is made by PMC in South Korea and has been used by their military).

    Most everything else that I’m aware of is older design with less expansion potential (a few of the hollow point designs have improved greatly over the last decade or so) or appear to be cheesy gimmicks (like the RIP bullets that break apart and the “shards” only go a couple of inches deep).

    Hope that gives you some good info to consider.

  7. @Rebooot – I forgot to add that the HST, Gold Dot and Winchester Ranger ammo all are supposed to have sealed case mouths and sealed primers which might be very important where you are. I have some Winchester Silvertips that are close to 25 years old that are sealed primer and case mouth and they have never failed to go bang, even when I had stored a mag of them in far less than ideal conditions for several years.

  8. You’re “Progressive” haircut goes back at least to the Middle Ages and has always been popular among military men. Go look at old pictures of Prussians, and Germans in WW II, even the generals. Erwin Rommel had one.

  9. I’ve posted before about gettin’ hassled in the early 70’s for thick,long hair to my shoulders. Now in my old age, instead of a “comb-over” I shave what little I have left. Damned if I do, damned if I don’t. Shit like this is why I’m a misanthrope.

  10. I gave up on ‘haircuts’ at a barber or shop years ago. I run a clipper set with a #1 guard (1/8th inch) all over my head. Lately my wife will trim around the back of my neck where I can’t see.

    That leaves just enough stubble to keep a hard hat from sliding around on my noggin.

  11. I didn’t read in this story where the victim called the cops or even reported it. Maybe it was a given but if that’s the case then the reporter should have called them for comment. If the fellow didn’t call the cops and report the incident then he shouldn’t waste everybody’s time with this. Being how it’s Colorado maybe the cops wouldn’t have done anything but at least the event would have been recorded and if the cops aren’t called each and everytime the left (whatever group) commits an action designed to damage or intimidate at any level a person disagreeing with them or one that they perceive disagrees, it will make their assaultive behaviour worse. Get it recorded, follow through with a call or two just to register that you’re keeping an eye on this. If you don’t it will simply embolden them to more grievous attacks and they have more then their share of crazies.

  12. So every bald guy is a skinhead?
    Can we go after every moron with a man-bun with dog clippers?
    Same goes for red necks with mullets and old hippies with long hair even though they’re balding.

  13. one more reason why Im glad I have a dashcam. I leave it running all the time because I have a MAGA hat up on my dash and I can imagine some day it will record the face of some Antifa national socialist/ fascist/ progressive/ communist trying to fuck with me and/or my truck.

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