Guy throws woman to ground during illegal statue removal – what happens next? – IOTW Report

Guy throws woman to ground during illegal statue removal – what happens next?

The Antifa fags swarm the guy and start hitting him with their faggy skateboards. He opens fire, shooting a THIRTY-NINE year-old skateboard-wielding loser.


48 Comments on Guy throws woman to ground during illegal statue removal – what happens next?

  1. That’s been my point all along. So why try and prosecute when a video clearly showing it was a good shoot exists. This deserves watching closely. LE needs to figure out who’s fucking side they’re on.

  2. When a mob is chasing you down and someone is screaming we are going to fucking kill you and you are being beaten it pretty much is cut and dry for most of us that actually show up to a jury summons.

  3. I don’t care at all that the antifa guy is dead but the shooter was in the wrong from the outset. He was armed and went out to provoke a conflict intentionally. You can’t do that when you’re armed. You have to do everything you can to avoid conflict. He started a fight, baited a counter-attack and used his gun when the thing that he wanted to happen, happened. Yeah, he was walking away and he was attacked but he went out armed, looking for and provoking a conflict. This isn’t responsible carry. But, also…ha ha, dead antifa. Seriously, I love that. The shooter will do time though. He seems like an idiot too but ha ha. I laugh at that antifa’s family. F*&% em

  4. Get his fu*king license plate!!!! These morons are one trick ponies.

    Relax. Just wait until the coroner pulls the lead out of him. Easily identifiable patriot.

  5. On a related note, Glenn Beck, who ten years ago was warning Tea Party demonstrators not to wear tricorner hats because the left would laugh at them, is now worried about the “Bubba Effect”, which is essentially any kind of strong pushback from the right against leftist provocation. I bet Glenn wishes this guy was wearing a tricorner hat instead of a holster. Man up, Beck. We are done with the costumes. You should be glad.

  6. Who wants these monuments to New Mexico’s 400 plus years of multiculturalism destroyed?
    In 1680 the Indians revolted and slaughtered all the Spanish totalitarians suppressing them.
    After 12 years with no economy and chaos, they allowed the Spanish to return.
    So is it the Mexicans or the Spanish or the Indians or the Gringos that are trying to erase their history?
    They seem to be confused.
    Everything was so peaceful until the democrats took control of the press and the schools and the media.
    The current Governor is a ditz.
    She is so confused she is in hiding.

  7. “The clearest video yet of the shooter (blue shirt) violently throwing a young woman to the ground prior to the shooting.

    This is Simple Battery *at least*. Witnesses were within their rights to detain him.“

    This is fundamentally different than what the video clearly documents. They were obviously attempting to kill the man. They stated as much.

  8. Knife can be seen clearly in photo in this article
    Of course you have to go to the British press to find anything like this

    One witness, who asked not to be named, told ‘The man in the blue shirt was protecting a few of the “pro” Oñate statue people and when it began to get heated he left the scene.

    ‘But a mob began to follow him to his car and yell in his direction. As they approached, he took out his pepper spray and warned them not to come closer. They advanced on him and he discharged the pepper spray.

    ‘The crowd kept following him and he warned them again to stay back. Three individuals proceeded to attack him by tackling him, and hitting him in the head with skateboards.’

  9. After reviewing JDHastys attachment I’m going to say this could go either way. Basically because at the time the asshole was shot he was disengaged and walking away. However, he was still armed with a knife. Plus the video was in slow motion, in real time the shooters reaction time might not have been enough to stop him engaging the clown. I dunno. I sure hope this guy gets off.

  10. The complaint alleges:

    Steven continued to retreat away from the crowd while walking quickly backward and holding up his hand with his palm toward the crowd as if to separate himself from it. The group appeared to maliciously pursue Steven, with several of the crowd’s individuals physically striking Steven’s body with their hands and legs. Steven was struck by a male individual with what appears to be a green in color longboard.

    Baca declined to give a statement to authorities.

  11. The last place I would willingly go with a gun is an unstable environment like a protest. But that’s where I would want one the most. I wasn’t there, so I can’t judge. He might have been walking home from buying some smokes.
    But Brad is right, the shoot was clean. They would have killed him and looted his body or killed him with his own gun if he wasn’t dead yet.

  12. Things like this usually end up depending on who started it.

    Someone starting a fight can’t claim self defense, someone that was attacked first can.

    Video and witnesses should show that conclusively, but if they don’t it depends on who tells the most convincing story or lie to the jury (the defense attorney or the prosecuting attorney) and convinces them to convict or acquit.

  13. At these protests, burnings, lootings, and riots…..

    I’ve seen skateboards used as weapons and tools of destruction many times……

    I’ve yet to see anyone riding them…….weapons in plain sight….?

  14. You guys are just acting like dumb hicks. He went out armed into a volatile situation and initiated violence. He baited the situation. That’s not an honorable gun owner. Doesn’t matter how worthless the dead man was.

  15. Westray

    Disengaging works two ways. What was the shooter doing when he was attacked? He was about as disengaged as can get. They chased him down with weapons. If this ends up being a legit trial, and not a lynching, they should focus on the frame of mind of the shooter at the time of the shooting. The mob had to cover a good 100 yard in pursuit.
    I’m more concerned with the clown getting shot in the back.

  16. anonymus
    They started it.
    He arrived.
    They were pursuing him with a Hate Crime on their little pea brains.
    You should never be selected for jury duty.
    Or a clean up on isle 4.

  17. In AZ if you have a gun on you and get into a conflict you are considered to have pulled the weapon out. Even if the other party didn’t know you have it, you do so it’s as good as if you pulled out your weapon. You can get charged with assault with a deadly weapon by defending yourself with fists just because you have a gun on you, even if you don’t pull it and the other guy doesn’t know you have it on you. If NM is similar, this guy wading into a hostile crowd with a weapon on him was stupid and he could go to jail for that conflict with the woman. Not to mention a man throwing a woman to the ground with other guys around to defend her. The soyboys were OK to defend her. They could even be OK following him to get his info and assist with arrest. They were not OK to engage him, let alone with deadly weapons. My take is that he’s guilty of assault with a deadly weapon for the crowd incident, but innocent of anything having to do with the shooting.

  18. If the Government (local) was doing its job the entire situation would not have happened. The Police are supposed to protect and to serve.
    Letting small mobs grow into bigger mobs is not protecting anybody shot or long term.

    Current political correctness views and the elected officials will most likely appease the mob.

    It is time to show the elected officials the the MAJORITY want the bedlam to STOP.
    The citizens that do not support the tearing down of statues are a silent majority that is being ignored by the political classes currently. If there were 300,000 people in the streets advocating peacefully to end the riot/looting/defacing, then the politicians would be sending out their police & State guards to restore order instead of retreating for 2 weeks.

    I Hope that the shooter gets off, but he will have a tough time of it. It would be seen differently if he was standing at the doorway of his own house, defending himself with no where to go.


    Westray may be Correct on this incident and Bad_Brad is Correct morally.

  19. Not too sure about the “threw a woman to the ground” accusation either. Looked more like he was casually tossing a basketball. Just because she went down like Gugino doesn’t make it violent.

  20. Something else here is why do the cops wait for the armored vehicles before they come into the crowd?This could have been stopped much earlier. Apparently they have to wait until somebody is shot before they go into action. Why are these guys having to do the cops jobs? This looked to be going on for a while. And was known before it started. Anybody in government that let this happen should pay a price and loose their job.

  21. Not really seeing any good judgement on anyone’s part in this situation. Lunatic rioters never have good judgment so there’s that factor.
    Sure, it’s important to stand up against anarchists, but gun guy was outnumbered, forced to fight off attackers, escalating to a confrontation that turned into a life or death struggle. Just not smart.

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