Guy Vowed To Eat Nothing But Potatoes For a Year – IOTW Report

Guy Vowed To Eat Nothing But Potatoes For a Year

The guy was a junk food addict, weighing in at over 300 pounds. He was clinically depressed, high blood pressure, high cholesterol.

He ate nothing but potatoes for a full year and his health is great and he feels great.

In fact, at the one year celebration mark he said he was probably going to just eat potatoes.


ht/ rob e.

20 Comments on Guy Vowed To Eat Nothing But Potatoes For a Year

  1. Don’t eat any product made from milk.
    No cheese or butter
    Of course no pizza or other fast food
    No fried food
    It ain’t that hard to loose weight
    Oh and get off your lazy fat ass

  2. It’s not so much how much you eat as how frequently you eat. Stop eating every two hours, 18 hours a day.

    And limit SuPR BCP foods. Sugar, Potatoes, Rice, Bread, Cereal(especially Kellogg’s) and Pasta.

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