Guy’s House Has Been Hit With a Car 23 Times – IOTW Report

Guy’s House Has Been Hit With a Car 23 Times

My dad moved from his house after an ice storm. Cars coming down a hill were sliding out of control and winding up uncomfortably close to his house.

15 Comments on Guy’s House Has Been Hit With a Car 23 Times

  1. @ecp 🫤🫣🤭

    My father in law put his woodshed in the front of his house for privacy, to block road noise and to protect the house from dumb dumbs. There’s been like 4 wrecks. Two due to icy roads and driving too fast and the rest to cruising teenagers also driving too fast.

    If they hit the big rock at the end of the driveway they get airborne and land in the yard-maybe bumping the woodshed but they always miss the house.

  2. I have stone steps (9) that go from a sidewalk down to the road on a corner. The steps lead up a bank to a sidewalk that goes up to the front door of my house. I gave the battle up trying to keep trucks and farm equipment from driving around the corner and not clearing the steps without breaking up the lower 3 or four steps. I’ve tried signs, C channel steel beams pounded into the ground, sharp objects, calling the police, and a good size rock. I gave up on the yearly event and I’m now letting the grass overtake it. Anyone who can’t drive a liquid manure spray tanker will have no idea what might be hidden in the tall weeds.

  3. I wish I had some of the schedule 800 pipe we used in our plant. It was made from armory steel. Six-inch outer diameter with a hole in the middle just big enough to put a golf ball into.


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