GW Bush Opens His Global Hole – IOTW Report

GW Bush Opens His Global Hole

For eight years during Barack Obama’s time in office, his predecessor George W. Bush was quiet…

33 Comments on GW Bush Opens His Global Hole

  1. The Bushes have outed themselves as an inbred hillbilly clan!

    It explains why W had to avenge his Daddy’s good name by going to war with Saddam H. and his renewed political zeal to avenge low energy Yeb!’s manhood. It also explains the family’s high regard for the trailer park trash Clinton clan.

  2. POTUS Donald J. Trump is putting the lie to every President since George Washington. Naturally, those still living aren’t going to like having their so-called legacies revealed for what they were.

  3. How is not racist for Bush to actually say we need immigrants to do low skilled jobs in 105 degrees that Americans won’t do. That suggests all immigrants are unskilled cotton pickers. If Trump said this he’d be crucified. How come we can’t all get on the same page that we want immigrants that want to assimilate and bring skills etc not a bunch of illiterates to do what a machine can do (pick whatever).

  4. How in the world could Bush be silent for the 8 long years of the Obama regime then start wagging his tongue now! Done with the Bushes and with any luck we will oust Patrick Bush from Land Commissioner in Texas this year.

  5. There is a gene missing in that Bush clan. The one that provides the voice in your head to stop you from making a fool liar out of yourself.
    For example, “Read my lips; no new taxes.” or, “I don’t think it’s good for the country to have a former President undermine the current President.” (!) or, “I don’t miss politics.” –Jeb

  6. At some point you have to think that Cheney is going to come out a take a few swings at Bush for muzzling him during the entire eight years and allowing Obama to take the Presidency. Bush always thought it was beneath the dignity of the Presidency to fight back against the lies and half-truths and Trump is showing just how wrong he was. Bush needs to distance himself from DC especially the Clintons because you never know where an investigation will end up George.

  7. Todays Quiz:

    Match the quote to the proper villain:

    A. Read my lips no new taxes!
    B. Weapons of mass destruction
    C. Illegal aliens are love!

    1. George Bush Jr.
    2. Yebby Bush
    3. George Bush senior

  8. GW may be a squishy liberal globaloney puke, but he’s infinitely better than that lisping, half-faggot, lying, Obola-ass-sucking piece of shit Al Gore.

    And that’s not just my opinion – that’s an established FACT!
    (established by me)

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. A useless open borders globalist tax-and-spend libtard moron when he was in office. The idiot has just gone downhill from there. Wrecked the republican party along w his sidekick and fellow dumbass karl rove. Helped set us up for 8 years of obozo.

  10. There would not have been an Obama were it not for having to defend another demoralizing Bush no one wanted.

    But no. He can’t help but run his dicksucker on foreign soil. Fuck him and fuck his whole family.

    The spell of the Bushes on the Republican Party is over. Never again. They can go pal around with the traitorous Clintons all they want. I wouldn’t cross the street to piss down his throat if he was on fire and dying of thirst.

  11. @Anonymous February 9, 2018 at 11:27 am

    “How come we can’t all get on the same page that we want immigrants that want to assimilate and bring skills”

    Because we don’t all want that. See how simple that is?

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