H.Res. 41: Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Federal … – IOTW Report

H.Res. 41: Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Federal …

… Government should not bail out State and local government employee pension plans or other plans that provide post-employment benefits to State and local government retirees.

Jan 21, 2015
Referred to Committee on Jan 21, 2015
0% chance of being agreed to

7 Comments on H.Res. 41: Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Federal …

  1. The Democrats are basing their entire long-term strategy on this very point. It is imperative that the Federal government bail out Democrat run states, counties and cities. It is that very assumption that is driving their reckless spending. Losing Congress was a major blow to their plans — possibly. It does provide an opportunity for Obama to exercise some more unconstitutional (illegal) executive largess. Just tack it on to Obamaphones, free food, free homes, free healthcare and free education for all those smart enough to know not to work.

    If there is to be a move to breakup the nation, it would be something like this. I cannot imagine states that have practiced fiscal sanity will just bend over and take it.

  2. Socialism writ large. The idea is to encourage failure, theft, and dependency. No one will ever be held to account for all the stolen pension funds – union, State, or local bureaucracies.

    The taxpayers will get stuck with all of them.

    Long term debt (Total, with derivatives) will top $250 Trillion before Obola’s out of office – which is why Mittens stepped down.

    We’re not sitting on a powder keg, we’re sitting on a fusion thermo-nuke.

  3. My understanding was that untold billions of the “shovel ready” stimulus money was shoveled into state and municipal pension plans to make them whole again (after years of bad bargaining and bad decisions).. While I suppose it isn’t the outright fraud like the democrat supporters of Solyndra who took the taxpayer for something like 750 million it should still be ensured that it doesn’t happen again. Geezuz, if it were a private firm both sides would end up giving a bit and lowering retirees expectations.

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