Ha HA- Miss Piggy Says She is the Most Successful Female Comedian of All-Time – IOTW Report

Ha HA- Miss Piggy Says She is the Most Successful Female Comedian of All-Time

25 Comments on Ha HA- Miss Piggy Says She is the Most Successful Female Comedian of All-Time

  1. The belief of all of the self appointed royalty is that they ARE better than everyone else. You will kneel before Zod.
    Or if you tell a lie long enough, it becomes truth.
    I am a legend, in my own mind.

  2. Like her uncle, Upchuck, she’ll say and do whatever it takes to make a buck. Someday those two virtually worthless losers are going to have to stand before Our Lord and explain what they did with the exceptional blessings they were given. They’ll both do in front of our Lord what Biden did in front of the Pope.

  3. “I’m the most successful female comedian of all time”

    That right there is an act of desperation. If she needs some ammo for her 9 mil to off herself I’ll send her a few rounds. Me and Carol Burnett will be laughing our asses off.

  4. Ahhhh … Miss Schumer … define “successful” … and “comedian.”

    And isn’t a female comedian a “comedienne?” Not to imply that you’re ignorant, or anything …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Amy is funny as a cage of ebola infected mice escaping the bio lab and winding up in the lunch room. Really, a barrel of laughs… with a little hemorrhaging to go along with it.

  6. Phyllis Diller objects. So does Moms Mabley. And Gilda Radner. And Betty White. And Lily Tomlin. And Madeline Kahn. And Gracie Allen. And Tracey Ulman. And Penny Marshall.


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