Ha! White House Tipster Says Jill Biden Staffer’s Mother Bought Items From MyPillow, Had a Meltdown – IOTW Report

Ha! White House Tipster Says Jill Biden Staffer’s Mother Bought Items From MyPillow, Had a Meltdown

20 Comments on Ha! White House Tipster Says Jill Biden Staffer’s Mother Bought Items From MyPillow, Had a Meltdown

  1. If I discovered that family members had HoggPillow products I wouldn’t throw a fit. I’m going to get emotional about some random item?
    Oh, yeah, HoggPillow failed before it even got started. Leftist ‘capitalism’ – start a company and hope that others will make it work, so you can reap the profits.

  2. Yeah, I tilt my crack pipe to the pillow guy, I wish I had what he’s been smokin’, must be some real good shxt man. As Elton John said, And I think it’s gonna be long long time, till touch down brings me round again to find…. higher than a kite…

    I think you’re plenty high right now. Who’s your dealer? Hunter Biden?

  3. As the impotent joe biden once instructed his dunderhead wife which should also be told to the staff’s mother regarding the offending pillow:

    “To keep them away just get the shotgun and shoot through the door, Jill!”. lolol

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