Hack who “fact-checked” Mass Formation Psychosis has previously said behavioral science is a tool to cajole resisters – IOTW Report

Hack who “fact-checked” Mass Formation Psychosis has previously said behavioral science is a tool to cajole resisters

You can’t even make this shit up. It’s too unbelievable. I realize I have been cursing more than usual, that happens when the big lies are gargantuan. They could make a pope kick out a stained-glass window, so forgive my profanity.

Look at this dope–>

He is stating, flat out, that people who hold a differing opinion from his own need to be dealt with, not with reiterating facts, but with mental manipulation.

I think he is advocating for a mass formation that does an end-around on beliefs and works on the psyche.


In a Nature article in 2020, Van Bavel posited that “insights from the social and behavioural sciences can be used to help align human behaviour with the recommendations of epidemiologists and public health experts.” What is this if not an attempt to push people to do what they’re told?

The article addresses using fear as a means to control people, in the right doses: “A meta-analysis found that targeting fears can be useful in some situations, but not others: appealing to fear leads people to change their behaviour if they feel capable of dealing with the threat, but leads to defensive reactions when they feel helpless to act. The results suggest that strong fear appeals produce the greatest behaviour change only when people feel a sense of efficacy, whereas strong fear appeals with low-efficacy messages produce the greatest levels of defensive responses.”

Van Bavel deals with how to deal with “optimism bias” in a population, as well as risk perception, emotional responses, and how the “global pandemic may also create opportunities to reduce religious and ethnic prejudice.”


9 Comments on Hack who “fact-checked” Mass Formation Psychosis has previously said behavioral science is a tool to cajole resisters

  1. it is sick, twisted fascists like these that are standing on the shoulders of Goebbels and Baghdad Bob, using fine-tuned propaganda to manipulate the LoFo masses.

  2. A long time ago, when this country and the rest of the free world was facing a real threat, a famous Democrat Leftist once said
    “All we have to fear, is fear itself”.
    Today’s Democrats and Leftists have taken that to heart.


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