Hacker Who Turned Chelsea Manning Over to FBI Dies – IOTW Report

Hacker Who Turned Chelsea Manning Over to FBI Dies

37 years old, no toxicology report yet, but authorities say there is nothing suspicious.

If it’s not suicide and there is no blood-letting or an accident, how a 37 year-old can be dead and have it be immediately declared not suspicious is suspicious. Why not just say explain why it’s not suspicious?


Authorities in Kansas have confirmed the death of the computer hacker who turned in Chelsea Manning to law enforcement for giving thousands of documents to WikiLeaks.

Adrian Lamo, 37, was found dead in an apartment on Wednesday, Wichita police officer Charley Davidson said.

“There’s nothing suspicious about his death,” Davidson said, though he would not elaborate.

The Regional Forensic Science Center has not released a cause of death yet, though toxicology tests typically take several weeks to complete.

Manning was convicted in 2013 of leaking a trove of classified documents. President Barack Obama commuted her sentence and Manning was released from military prison in May after serving seven years of a 35-year sentence.

Lamo testified that Manning contacted him because of his notoriety in the hacking community.

“He was charming and brilliant,” Murphy said of Lamo. “If he hadn’t been, Manning never would have told him anything.”


ht/ fdr in hell

14 Comments on Hacker Who Turned Chelsea Manning Over to FBI Dies

  1. “Nothing suspicious about his death”, You mean other than the body of a healthy 37 year-old? Why are so many public officials so clueless when it comes to addressing the media? Why not say: “We have no indication of foul-play at this time, but we are awaiting a full autopsy and toxicology report”? See how simple that is? Even a caveman could do it.

  2. In 1998, he was appointed to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning Youth Task Force by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

    I’m surprised he made it 20 years.

  3. Was he shot in the back, twice, with a shotgun that wasn’t at the scene?
    Did he hang hisself with his hands tied behind his back?
    Pulled a “Vince Foster” and shot hisself in the mouth with a gun that was wiped clean of fingerprints?
    Lately stabbed with an umbrella?
    Ate some Polonium by mistake?

    Maybe he just got tired of living …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. About as un-suspicious as was the death of Scalia. I have zero trust for anyone in government. His family would be wise to seek independent verification, unless they are under threat of death also.

  5. It’s sick, isn’t it?
    How often people die under mysterious circumstances, and the police insist that it ISN’T FOUL PLAY. It’s happened so frequently that we just can’t trust them at their word anymore. 🤔


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