Hackers Release Children’s School Records Online After District Refuses to Pay Ransom – IOTW Report

Hackers Release Children’s School Records Online After District Refuses to Pay Ransom

PJM: The largest school district in Nevada announced last month that its records had been hacked and that the hacker was holding the records hostage for ransom.

The Clark County School District refused to pay what the criminals were demanding and now some of the records have been released online.

The school district released a statement on Monday, saying it will individually notify those students affected by the release and is “working diligently to determine the full nature and scope of the incident.” more

13 Comments on Hackers Release Children’s School Records Online After District Refuses to Pay Ransom

  1. Unfortunately, the incompetence and misfeasance of the Clark County bureaucrats has resulted in damage to innocent, uninvolved citizens and not to the bureaucrats themselves. I hope the hackers (who are simply crooks with a tech MO and who I hope are caught, prosecuted, and imprisoned) at least dox the school admin weasels so they can share in the joys of identity theft and associated credit card fraud and finding 27 illegal aliens – each – have been using their SSNs.

  2. Incompetent.

    This stuff should not be put or kept kept on computers connected to the internet. Why the hell can’t people get this. In this day and age of thumbdrives, etc. it’s not THAT much trouble to keep records offline on closed systems. A lot less trouble and expense than dealing with what’s become constant hacking.

    That said, you don’t negotiate with terrorists or submit to blackmail. The information already is breached and there’s no getting it “back”.

  3. Garmin was hacked not long ago. They paid millions to a ‘negotiation’ company (Arete IR) for the ‘ransom’. What guarantee does Garmin have that hackers won’t hold your data ‘hostage’ again (since they know you are gullible and will pay)?? Just plain stupid.

  4. “Ransomware attacks happen for one reason, and one reason only: they’re profitable,”

    Or for the sheer fun of it, or for a grudge against the target, or for simple meanness, or just to show they can ……..

  5. Gov Shitshisslacks will undboutedly ‘find’ more money to pay this ransom (these are probably his cronies). He needs to raid more coffers to fund his expensive habits ($14 million for 2 new jets, just to name a couple).

  6. And these are the people who hold themselves out to be superior to all the rural Nevada “hicks”. Sisolak “I don’t give a shit about the rurals” included. They all make me want to puke. My father-in-law, who was in gaming since is inception in Las Vegas, used to call it an “upholstered sewer”. Apt description.

  7. no doubt the School Board chair, a 500 pound black transgender lesbian was surfing porn online all day and fell for a phishing scam and now they will want a 100% tax increase to pay the ransom……only in America

  8. When a hacker or crime syndicate is caught the only way to actually stop him/them or at least slow him/her down is a minimum (no time off) of five years prison. In prison he’s not allowed to use the library (except to request a specific book that has to be cleared) nor any computer at all which would include denying courses that relied upon a computer to teach. All his mail in and out is checked twice by different staff as well as any visits are monitored and no physical contact allowed. Hopefully this rots his skills and when he’s out the terms of his release limits his access to computers and those he has access to can be checked at any time with no warrant by a computer crime officer. It’s expensive but with todays reliance on computers, the web, networks and the like and how vulnerable they are it may be the only short of execution to slow the hacker/organized crime down.


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