Hacksaw Ridge, the Beard and The Resurrection – IOTW Report

Hacksaw Ridge, the Beard and The Resurrection

An interview with Mel Gibson from CBN News.

Mel talks about the new movie he has out, “Hacksaw Ridge”. It’s based on a true story of Desmond Doss in WWII. He was a conscientious objector who served as an army medic.

Mel also talks about his wild-looking beard and the sequel to “The Passion” called “The Resurrection”.

13 Comments on Hacksaw Ridge, the Beard and The Resurrection

  1. I liked that a lot….came away with a good feeling for Mel’s transformation from 10 years ago and I’ll watch the film, but I just don’t believe that the interviewer looks good without makeup or possibly necked….fickle that I am…

  2. Mel has some “issues” that aren’t forgotten or forgiven in Hollywoodland. Alcohol was involved, but truth often slips off a drunken tongue faster than a sober one. I am looking forward to seeing his new movie.

  3. I could give a shit what Hollywood thinks.
    Mel Gibson, for all his faults is a top notch Director.
    He picks stories to tell that have a deep moral implications.
    Ever since I saw an interview with my music hero Brian Eno, I have learned to like the work, and judge it by itself, not the assholishness of the artist. I will see it when I don’t have to sit in the dark with strangers

  4. My last name is Doss. I am researching heritage I have not found yet. I know that my family split from Texas to up north during the Civil War. I suspect this is one of my relatives.

  5. took my sons and a neighbor boy to We Were Soldiers. I couldnt leave at the end. I sat there. I was moved. My sons had to come back in and get me.

    Great Director. Like Hanks and Eastwood.

  6. Many talented people are deeply flawed, but that doesn’t change the fact they can be a positive influence.
    Mel Gibson is a brilliant director and his Christian faith-based films are wonderful. Glad he’s back on track.

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