Had this happen to me recently – IOTW Report

Had this happen to me recently

I had an old biddy asked me where my mask was in a grocery store. I said, “everyone in the store is wearing a mask, except me. So, what’s the problem? How are you going to get the virus if masks work?”

Her husband told me I was rude. LOLOLOL.

ht/ c. steven tucker

57 Comments on Had this happen to me recently

  1. My favorite responses so far: “It’s illegal to conceal carry and wear a mask” and then walk away. The other is: “I already had it” and watch the confusion on their face as they work out the mental gymnastics.

  2. I just tell ’em: “it’s against my religion”.
    Now I’m gonna add: “so iz wearing underwear!”
    By the looks of that hog, she could stay out of the grocery store for six months and not suffer…

  3. I don’t believe masks are effective protection against the virus. I believe they are even LESS effective when they keep slipping down one’s face like that crazy-colored-haired gal’s.

  4. Walmart announced their new rule that “all” shoppers “Must” wear a mask. They must have an over supply of cheap, ineffective Chinese masks.
    By the looks of the “Karen” in the video, she could work at any walmart I’ve ever seen.

  5. This Marge “Karen” Simpson can’t even wear her own mask properly.
    Yet in the most truest demonstration of a LIBERAL persona, once
    again we see:

    Do as I Say, not as I do.

  6. Sadly, there’s no cure. Sooner or later …

    The maggot with the mask continued blabbering after its mask slipped below its pie-hole – thus contravening the intent of its position (both of the mask’s physical and the grotesquerie’s political).
    Surely, if it’s OK to yammer with a slipped mask, it’s also OK to stand without one? The poisonous imbecilities are, apparently, lost on the ignorant maggots of reaction.
    The “mask” becomes the thing, not the supposed, or alleged, protection the mask (falsely) might provide.

    We’ve lost our wits. And the substantially witless now feel empowered to dictate to us – chastising us for their failures.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Wow. Just like in Muslim countries, when a woman has no face covering.

    A couple fuck yous then if she continues, I’ll move toward her and start screaming like a DI: “GET BACK! STOP THREATENING ME!! ONE STEP CLOSER AND I WILL DEFEND MYSELF.”

  8. A brownshirt in training.
    She did mention there were cameras everywhere, maybe she was being assessed by her trainers.

    Why is it fat chicks always dye their hair so poorly?
    I bet she’s a welfare chick too.

    I was the only one in my dentist office waiting room and they asked if I had a mask. I told them I don’t and it’s a federal crime for me to wear a mask in public because I carry a concealed weapon. Shut her right up. I think I would have said the same to this wench. And then told her to get a mask that can stay on her greasy face.

  9. It is time to mob these stores with non-mask wearing Patriots. FORCE them to revise their policies, just like the leftist mobs are doing in our cities. I would like to organize a mass protest of Wal-Mart, Kroger, etc., but I have zero social media presence.

  10. I also was approached by a guy who questioned why I wasn’t wearing a mask while shopping in a store that didn’t require masks. I told him he would have to pull his mask down so he could kiss my ass.

    End of conversation.

  11. I am prepared should this happen to me. I will reply in my first language which is not English and which is not an easily recognizable language.

  12. Seems the nice lady with the multi-colored hair had difficulty keeping her mask up. Perhaps duct tape would be a better choice. Everyone else in the store would probably appreciate it.

  13. I would be more worried about dying
    from poisonous chemicals in my hair and
    obesity.The ring in her nose is so the farmer
    can tie in a rope to lead her from the field
    to the barn at night.

  14. The fat pig’s mask keeps slipping, even as she is lecturing the other woman about wearing a mask. Kool-Aid colored haired sack of shit is also not practicing social distancing.
    The mask mandate is the best thing to ever happen to ugly people. Nobody is pretty when we all wear masks. Didn’t pretty people have to wear masks in ‘Harrison Bergeron’?

  15. Our local Smiths is going to require masks starting next week. Not only am I not going to comply I’m going to take my electronic megaphone into the store and tell people it’s all a hoax and to take off their masks. I will run away from them when they try to kick me out. If they catch me I will just take it to the parking lot.

  16. Yep! This is what it sounded like when I got bounced out of my Ophthalmologist’s office last month by an office wench who threatened calling the police on me. The wench charged at me.

  17. You can tell the people who will walk quietly into a cattle car. You can also see the ones who will drag other unwilling people with them into the cattle car.

  18. Thanks, Tony R!!

    That’s gonna be my first response to the first Mask-a-Teer that harasses me. No one bothers me though. I think I have a look that says, “Go ahead! Just TRY it!”


  20. I rarely go to WalMart because I hate Satanmart aka chinamart, but last week I had to go because I needed computer ink. There is no office or computer stores in my area and I didn’t have time to drive an hour away or order it online and wait for it. Had something that had to be printed off and signed and turned in that day and was out of ink.

    They had this big display of masks as soon as you walked in. For my own amusement I looked at all the different masks for sale. There was only one kind that wasn’t made in China and they were some kind of cloth masks made with some ugly ass material.

    Nobody bothered me and outside of the employees wearing their masks around their chins, I saw nobody wearing a mask until I was leaving. There was a fat lard on a scooter with a mask on and she was arguing with a young man who looked to be in his 20’s about him not wearing a mask and his generation being full of disrespectful brats killing everyone. Then a young lady walked over, I’m assuming his girlfriend and told her that he was raised with enough respect to not hit a woman, however she had no qualms about knocking her fat ass off that scooter and watch her roll around like a beached whale. That seemed to shock her into not being able to speak because she shut her fat mouth and they walked out laughing. She scooted over to what I assumed was her fat ass daughter who was about 10 lbs away from being on a scooter herself and started crying that these two people were so rude and hurtful to her and called her a beached whale. Her assumed daughter asked her who and that she should go take care of them. I laughed and left at that point thinking that by the time her fat ass waddled to the door they would done be pulling out of the parking lot.

  21. I’m not going to try to find the link to the story, but you may have read about a woman (I believe it was at Costco) who accosted another shopper who removed his mask once he was out of the store. She ran up on him and yelled at him for not wearing his mask and then she said, “I’m a school teacher!”. Then she spit on him and told him that she has Covid.

    She was later arrested and charged with a bunch of things, including assault with a deadly weapon (Covid virus). I don’t know if the charges were dropped.

    The “I’m a school teacher” was an intriguing thing for her to yell. What kind of virtue signal is that? Sounds like she has too much white privilege and needed to come up with something, anything, that gives her some sort of lame moral superiority.

  22. Karen: “I will throw you out of this store!”
    Me: “Oh, really.”
    Karen: “Yes! Really!”
    Me: “Because the sign up front says ‘Wear a mask’.”
    Karen: “Yes.”
    Me: “The sign also says ‘Practice social distancing: stay 6 feet away from others’, correct?”
    Karen: “… Yeah?”
    Me: “I’m just curious how you plan to ‘throw me out’ for disobeying the sign without disobeying the sign yourself.”
    Karen: “…”
    Me: “Any ideas?”
    Karen: “RACIST!”

  23. I got several women screeching at me.
    My response is always the same.
    “Mind your own business”
    And if they don’t back off
    “Fuck off”
    Will do it.
    Not that I like profanity, but that’s the only language some of them understand.

  24. A FOX news guest Doc confirmed what I found doing a DuckDuck Go search. The virus particle size averaged 125 Microns. The M95 mask filters particle size 300 Microns and larger. Nobodies confronted me yet, but if they do I’m going to just state those facts. And then tell them to Fuck Off.

  25. …guys, really…this is because of too much soy, too much emasculation, too much lionization of homosexuality, too much degrading of males that there are scant few left to service all the Karens out there, so they turn bitter and spinstery before their time and THIS happens…this would go back to sustainable levels if only we could get the remaing, eh, ‘active’ young men to take it as a service to their Nation to service these angry young women…say what you will about physiology vs. highmindedness, a good lay calms EVERYONE down, at least for awhile…c’mon fellas, what say you, how ’bout take one for the team, she’s waiting and obviously very, heh, ‘passionate’, so young men, just swallow a little bit and do your duty for the good of us ALL…

  26. Supernightshade

    Way to man up and volunteer. We’ve located the multi colored person in the above video and we are sending her right over. She seems pretty excited but she wants you to wear a mask. LOL

  27. Went shopping and to bank this morning in this Northern Ontario town near where I live. Ontario has mandated all who enter stores to wear masks.
    I think I saw about a total of four people complying with the government rule. Even in the pharmacy, the pharmacist was unmasked. I was so glad and relieved that almost no one is complying with this ridiculous government overreach.

  28. Bad_Brad
    JULY 17, 2020 AT 2:09 PM

    Way to man up and volunteer. We’ve located the multi colored person in the above video and we are sending her right over. She seems pretty excited but she wants you to wear a mask. LOL”

    …which is why I specifically specified YOUNG men, the single kind in particular. My Country right or wrong, but I have an encumberment that can keep ’em in the 9 ring with a Kimber .45 CCW model WITHOUT engaging the Crimson Trace, and she can be unreasonably unpatriotic about SOME things, and WAY less forgiving than COVID is in the presense of blue hair dye, so trying to resolve an angry woman by creating an angrier and ACCURATE woman is problematic at best…

    …also, if you don’t remember the Toby Keith song “Good As I Once Was”, I’ve reached an age where lining ’em up and laying ’em down is a bit more of an effort than it once was, and there’s a LOT of Karens so we need someone who can produce in VOLUME…


  29. “The virus particle size averaged 125 Microns. The M95 mask filters particle size 300 Microns and larger. ”

    People assume that N95 mask rating @ 300 micron means that smaller stuff passes thru easier. Not so, they are rated @ 300 micron because that is the WORST size as far as getting thru. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NIOSH_air_filtration_rating

    Usually I would keep my mouth shut and enjoy the comedy when people are being stupid AND obnoxious about it, but I don’t want liberals who MUST BE tired of electing lunatic idiots who support rioters to think that we conservatives are no better.

  30. jo blo

    Oh, I get it. The M95 is unique. It’s rated at 300 Microns and it stops everything smaller than 300 Microns. Anything bigger it lets thru.
    Congrats pal. That just might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever read.


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