haha- Biden says following the constitution will cause irreversible damage – IOTW Report

haha- Biden says following the constitution will cause irreversible damage

Listen to this lunatic. Trump is unleashing an “infection on our democracy” and it can be “fatal.”

What democracy?


13 Comments on haha- Biden says following the constitution will cause irreversible damage

  1. Democrats are still talking about our “Democracy”! We are a Republic
    Joe, wake up.
    If politicians can’t or won’t understand our constitution they should be removed from office the moment they utter such stupid thoughts. We should not be forced into wasting countless hours and dollars defending our rights as citizens.

  2. Calling our Constitutional Republic a “Democracy” has been one of those “tell a lie enough times” things for my entire life.
    Expected from the left, however, take note of just how many of our so called Republican leaders use the term.
    Ignorance or culpability; no fence straddling here.


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